释义 |
burst/bɜ:st/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. burst) 1a intr. break suddenly and violently apart by expansion of contents or internal pressure 突然破裂;爆炸;胀破;爆破 b tr. cause to do this 使爆炸,使胀破 c tr. cause (a container etc.) to split apart or puncture 使(容器等)破裂(或裂口) 2a tr. open forcibly 用力打开 b intr. come open or be opened forcibly 使绽开;猛然被打开 3a intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 in, out) make one's way suddenly, dramatically, or by force 突然(或猛烈)地冲,闯 b tr. break away from or through 从…冲出;挣脱… the river burst its banks 河堤决口了 4 tr. & intr. fill or be full to overflowing 充满;溢出 5 intr. appear or come suddenly 突然出现(或来临) burst into flame 突然冒出火苗; burst upon the view 突然映入眼帘; sun burst out 太阳喷薄而出 6 intr. (foll. by 后跟 into) suddenly begin to shed or utter (esp. burst into tears or laughter or song 尤指突然大哭、大笑或唱了起来) 突然开始哭(或说)了起来 7 intr. be as if about to burst because of effort, excitement, etc. (由于努力、激动等)似乎要发作 8 tr. suffer bursting of 破裂,胀破 burst a blood vessel 突然胀破血管 9 tr. separate (continuous stationery) into single sheets 将一叠(折子)撕开 ●n. 1 the act of or an instance of bursting; a split 爆破,胀裂;破裂 2 a sudden issuing forth 突然冒出 burst of flame 突然冒出火苗 3 a sudden outbreak 突然爆发;迸发 burst of applause 发出一阵欢呼 4a a short sudden effort; a spurt 一股猛冲;冲刺 b a gallop 急驰;奔驰 5 an explosion 爆炸 □ burst out 1 suddenly begin 突然开始 burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 2 exclaim 大叫,叫嚷 □ burster n. (esp. in sense 9 of v. 尤用于动词释义 9)[Old English berstan, from Germanic] |