

单词 bump
释义 bump/bʌmp/ n., v. & adv.n. 1 a dull-sounding blow or collision (发出沉闷响声的)撞击,碰撞 2 a swelling or dent caused by this (由碰撞造成的)凸痕;凹痕 3 an uneven patch on a road, field, etc. (道路、地面等上的)凸块 4 hist. any prominence on the skull formerly thought to indicate a particular mental faculty [史义]头盖骨上的隆起部分(旧时认为是特殊才能的象征) 5 (in narrow-river races where boats make a spaced start one behind another) the point at which a boat begins to overtake (and usu. touches) the boat ahead, thereby defeating it (在窄河道赛艇比赛中的)赛艇的碰撞(通常以后船追撞前船船尾为赢) 6 Aeron. 【空】a an irregularity in an aircraft's motion (飞机因气流突然上升而产生的)空中颠簸 b a rising air current causing this (造成颠簸的)上升气流 7 (the bumps) Brit. (on a person's birthday) the act of lifting a person by the arms and legs and letting him or her down on to the ground, once for each year of age [] (过生日时)将人举起又放下(一岁碰地一次) v. 1a tr. hit or come against with a bump 使猛击;使碰撞 b intr. (of two objects) collide (两个物体)相撞 2 intr. (foll. by 后跟 against, into) hit with a bump; collide with 碰撞;相撞 3 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 against, on) hurt or damage by striking 碰伤;撞坏 bumped my head on the ceiling 我的头撞在天花板上; bumped the car while parking 停车时把车给撞了 4 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 along) move or travel with much jolting 颠簸着行进 we bumped along the road 我们一路颠簸 5 tr. (in a boat race) gain a bump against (在划船比赛中)碰撞 6 tr. N. Amer. displace, esp. by seniority [北美] (尤指被上司)挤掉…的座位;取代…的职位 adv. with a bump; suddenly; violently 扑通一声;突然地;猛烈地 bump into colloq. meet by chance []偶然遇见;碰见 bump off slang murder [俚语]谋杀 bump up colloq. increase (prices etc.) []抬高(价格等)[16th c., imitative: perhaps from Scandinavian]




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