释义 |
aggregaten., adj. & v.●n. /ˈæɡriɡət/ 1 a collection of, or the total of, disparate elements (异类成份)集合,总计 2 pieces of crushed stone, gravel, etc., used in making concrete 集料,粒料(混凝土中加入的碎石,石子等) 3a Geol. a mass of minerals formed into solid rock 【地质】聚成岩 b a mass of particles (小颗粒的)聚成物质,聚合物质 ●adj. /ˈæɡriɡət/ 1 (of disparate elements) collected into one mass (指异类成分)聚集的;合计的 2 constituted by the collection of many units into one body 聚合而成的 3 Bot. (of a group of species) comprising several very similar species formerly regarded as a single species 【植】(指一组物种)聚生的 ●v. tr. & intr. /ˈæɡriɡeit/ collect together; combine into a whole 聚集,积聚;集合体 □ in the aggregate as a whole 总体上,整体上 □ aggregation /-ˈɡeiʃ(ə)n/ n.□ aggregative /ˈæɡriɡətiv/ adj.[Latin aggregare aggregat- ‘herd together’ (as AD-, grex gregis ‘flock’)] |