释义 |
thane/θein/n. hist. [史义] 1 (in Anglo-Saxon England) a man who held land from the king or other superior by military service, ranking between ordinary freemen and hereditary nobles 大乡绅(盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的英国因服兵役而受赐封地的贵族,位在普通自由民与伯爵之间) 2 a man who held land from a Scottish king and ranked with an earl's son; the chief of a clan 领主(从苏格兰国王那儿受赐封地的贵族,其地位相当于伯爵之子);部落族长 □ thanedom n.[Old English theg(e)n ‘servant, soldier’, from Germanic] |