释义 |
inject/inˈdʒekt/v. tr. 1 Med. 【医】a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 into) drive or force (a solution, medicine, etc.) by or as if by a syringe 注射(溶液、药物等) b (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) fill (a cavity etc.) by injecting 注满(洞等) c administer medicine etc. to (a person) by injection 给(某人)注射(药物等) 2 insert or introduce by way of interruption or as a boost 插(话);引入 may I inject a note of realism? 我可以说一下现实主义吗 ?; theatres injected with new life 注入新活力的戏剧 □ injectable adj. & n.□ injector n.[Latin injicere (as IN-2, jacere ‘throw’)] |