释义 |
bring/briŋ/v. tr. (past and past part. brought /brɔ:t/) 1a come conveying esp. by carrying or leading (尤指用带或领的方式)带来,拿来 b come with 引来 2 cause to come or be present 把…带来,把…引来 what brings you here? 什么风把你给吹来了 ? 3 cause or result in 导致;引起 war brings misery 战争带来不幸 4 be sold for; produce as income 卖得;赚得(收入) 5a prefer (a charge) 提出(指控) b initiate (legal action) 提起(诉讼) 6 cause to become or to reach a particular state 使成为(或达到)某种状态 brings me alive 使我活了下来; brought them to their senses 使他们恢复理智; cannot bring myself to agree 不能使我同意 7 adduce (evidence, an argument, etc.) 引证(证据、论据等) □ bring about 1 cause to happen 使发生;导致 2 turn (a ship) around 使船掉头 □ bring back call to mind 回想起 □ bring down 1 cause to fall 使落下;使跌倒 2 lower (a price) 降低(价格) 3 slang make unhappy or less happy [俚语]使垂头丧气;使沮丧 4 colloq. damage the reputation of; demean [口]使名誉扫地;贬低 □ bring forth 1 produce, emit, cause 产生;散发出;引起 2 give birth to 生(子);结(果) □ bring forward 1 move to an earlier date or time 提前,将…提前 2 transfer from the previous page or account 转入下一页(或下一次账) 3 draw attention to; adduce 关注;引证 □ bring home to cause to realize fully 使清楚地认识到;使深切地感到 brought home to me that I was wrong 使我深感自己错了 □ bring the house down receive rapturous applause 博得满堂喝彩 □ bring in 1 introduce (legislation, a custom, fashion, topic, etc.) 提出(议案);引入(习俗、时尚、话题等) 2 yield as income or profit 获得收入(或利润) □ bring into play cause to operate; activate 使活动;使发挥作用 □ bring low 1 overcome; deject 战胜,克服;使沮丧 2 humiliate 使受屈辱 □ bring off achieve successfully 圆满完成 □ bring on 1 cause to happen or appear 引起,使发生 2 accelerate the progress of 促进,助长 □ bring out 1 emphasize; make evident 强调;揭示,阐明 2 publish 出版 □ bring over convert to one's own side 使转变;说服 □ bring round (or US [美] around) 1 restore to consciousness 使恢复知觉 2 persuade 说服 □ bring through aid (a person) through adversity, esp. illness 使(某人)脱险;使(尤指病人)转危为安 □ bring to 1 restore to consciousness 使苏醒 brought him to 使他苏醒过来 2 check the motion of 使停驶 □ bring to bear (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 on) direct and concentrate (forces) 瞄准;集中力量 □ bring to light see 见 LIGHT1□ bring to mind recall; cause one to remember 回忆;使回想起 □ bring to pass cause to happen 实现;使发生 □ bring under subdue 制服 □ bring up 1 rear (a child) 养育(孩子) 2 vomit, regurgitate 呕吐;反胃 3 call attention to 使注意 4 (absol. [含宾]) stop suddenly 使急停,突然停止 □ bring upon oneself be responsible for (something one suffers) (为一个人所做的某事)自作自受 □ bringer n.[Old English bringan, from Germanic] |