释义 |
□ break up 1 break into small pieces 打碎,粉碎 2 disperse; disband 散开;解散 3 Brit. end the school term [ 英 ] 学期结束;放假 4 a terminate a relationship; disband 终止关系;散去 b cause to do this 使解体 5 Brit. (of the weather) change suddenly (esp. after a fine spell) [ 英 ] ( 天气 ) 突变 ( 尤指经过一段好天气之后 ) 6 esp. US [ 尤美 ] a upset or be upset 扰乱,使烦乱 b excite or be excited 兴奋;使兴奋 c convulse or be convulsed (see also 亦见 BREAK-UP) 震动;使震动 ‣Main Entry: break |