

单词 break
释义 break1/breik/ v. & n.v. (past broke /brəʊk/ or archaic [古义] brake /breik/; past part. broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ or archaic [古义] broke) 1 tr. & intr.a separate into pieces under a blow or strain; shatter 打破,破碎;使粉碎 b make or become inoperative, esp. from damage 损坏,弄坏(尤指毁损) the toaster has broken 烤面包机坏了 c break a bone in or dislocate (part of the body) 骨折;(部分骨头)脱臼 d break the skin of (the head or crown) 擦破(头或冠的) 2a tr. cause or effect an interruption in 中止;终止 broke our journey 中止旅程; the spell was broken 魔法被破除了; broke the silence 打破沉默 b intr. have an interval between spells of work (工作中)稍事休息 let's break now 咱们现在歇会儿吧; we broke for tea 我们停下来喝了点茶 3 tr. fail to observe or keep (a law, promise, etc.) 不遵守(法律、诺言等);违反 4a tr. & intr. make or become subdued or weakened; yield or cause to yield 征服,削弱;弄垮;(使)屈服 broke his spirit 从精神上把他制服; he broke under the strain 他因过度疲劳垮了 b tr. weaken the effect of (a fall, blow, etc.) 减轻(跌落、打击等的)影响 c tr. = break in 3c d tr. defeat, destroy 打败,摧毁 broke the enemy's power 摧毁敌人的力量 e tr. defeat the object of (a strike, e.g. by engaging other personnel) 挫败,(如使其他人员卷入)使(罢工)不能得逞 5 tr. surpass (a record) 打破记录 6 intr. (foll. by 后跟 with) quarrel or cease association with (another person etc.) 争吵;断绝(与他人等)来往 7 tr.a be no longer subject to (a habit) 放弃(习惯) b (foll. by 后跟 of) cause (a person) to be free of a habit 使(某人)放弃习惯 broke them of their addiction 使他们戒了毒 8 tr. & intr. reveal or be revealed; (cause to) become known 揭露,被揭露;(使)传开 broke the news 透露消息; the story broke on Friday 这件事是星期五传开的 9 intr.a (of the weather) change suddenly, esp. after a fine spell (尤指天气一阵晴后)突然转变 b (of waves) curl over and dissolve into foam (海浪)冲击,卷碎 c (of the day) dawn ()破晓 d (of clouds) move apart; show a gap ()消散;露出缝隙 e (of a storm) begin violently (暴风雨)骤然降临 10 tr. Electr. disconnect (a circuit) (opp. 反义 MAKE v. 23) 【电】切断(电路) 11 intr.a (of the voice) change with emotion (声音因情绪)变调 b (of a boy's voice) change in register etc. at puberty (男孩的嗓音) (在音域等方面)突变 12 tr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 up) divide (a set etc.) into parts, e.g. by selling to different buyers (将成套物品)拆开零售(如卖给不同买主) b change (a banknote etc.) for coins 兑开(大额钞票) 13 tr. ruin (an individual or institution) financially (see also 亦见 BROKE predic. adj.) 使(个人或机构)破产 14 tr. penetrate (e.g. a safe) by force 砸破(如保险箱等) 15 tr. decipher (a code) 破译(密码) 16 tr. make (a way, path, etc.) by separating obstacles 冲破(障碍);辟出(路径等) 17 intr. burst forth 突然出现 the sun broke through the clouds 云开日出 18 Mil. 【军】a intr. (of troops) disperse in confusion (军队)溃散 b tr. make a rupture in (ranks) 打乱(队形) 19a intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 free, loose, out, etc.) escape from constraint by a sudden effort 挣脱 b tr. escape or emerge from (prison, bounds, cover, etc.) ();逾越(界限)(从盖子下)冒出 20 tr. Tennis etc. win a game against (an opponent's service) 【网球】接发球得分 21 intr. Boxing etc. (of two fighters, usu. at the referee's command) come out of a clinch 【拳击】(双方通常按裁判员的命令)抱持后拆散 22 Mil. tr. demote (an officer) 【军】把(某军官)降级 23 intr. esp. Stock Exch. (of prices) fall sharply ()【股】(价格)暴跌 24 intr. Cricket (of a bowled ball) change direction on bouncing 【板球】(投出球)弹地转向 25 intr. Billiards etc. make the first stroke at the beginning of a game 【台球】开球破局 26 tr. unfurl (a flag etc.) 展开(旗帜等) 27 tr. Phonet. subject (a vowel) to fracture 【语音】使(元音)发生割裂 28 tr. fail to rejoin (one's ship) after absence on leave (休假后)逾期不归() 29 tr. disprove (an alibi) 证明不实(案发时不在现场) n. 1a an act or instance of breaking 破裂;折断 b a point where something is broken; a gap 破裂处;裂缝 2 an interval, an interruption; a pause in work 间歇;中断;工间休息 3 a sudden dash (esp. to escape) 急冲,猛闯(尤指为逃脱) 4 colloq. []a a piece of good luck; a fair chance 好运;机缘 b (also 亦作 bad break) an unfortunate remark or action, a blunder 失当的举止,失言 5 Cricket a change in direction of a bowled ball on bouncing 【板球】反弹 6 Billiards etc. 【台球】a a series of points scored during one turn 一次连续得分 b the opening shot that disperses the balls 开球 7 Mus. (in jazz etc.) a short unaccompanied passage for a soloist, usu. improvised 【音】(爵士乐等中) (通常即兴)演奏华彩段 8 Electr. a discontinuity in a circuit 【电】短路 break away make or become free or separate (see also 另见 BREAKAWAY) 脱离;分离 break the back of 1 do the hardest or greatest part of 完成…中最艰巨的部分 2 overburden (a person) 压垮(某人);压得(某人)直不起腰 break bulk see BULK break down 1a fail in mechanical action; cease to function 坏掉;失效;出毛病 b (of human relationships etc.) fail, collapse (人际关系等)破裂,崩溃 c fail in (esp. mental) health (尤指精神)垮掉 d be overcome by emotion; collapse in tears 感情失去控制;忍不住流泪 2a demolish, destroy 拆毁,毁坏 b overcome (resistance) 压倒,压垮(抵抗) c force (a person) to yield under pressure 制服(某人) 3 analyse into components (see also 亦见 BREAKDOWN) 分析 break even emerge from a transaction etc. with neither profit nor loss (交易等)不盈不亏,持平 break a person's heart see HEART break the ice 1 begin to overcome formality or shyness, esp. between strangers (尤指陌生人间)打破规矩(或矜持) 2 make a start 开个头 break in 1 enter premises by force, esp. with criminal intent (尤指非法)强行闯入 2 interrupt 打断 3a accustom to a habit etc. 逐渐适应(习惯等) b wear etc. until comfortable (穿等)到合适为止 c esp. Brit. tame or discipline (an animal); accustom (a horse) to saddle and bridle etc. [尤英] (动物)驯养;训练;使()适应马鞍(马笼头等) 4 Austral. & NZ bring (virgin land) into cultivation [澳新]开垦(处女地) break in on disturb; interrupt 扰乱;使中断 break into 1 enter forcibly or violently 强行闯入 2a suddenly begin, burst forth with (a song, laughter, etc.) 突然冒出;突然发出(歌声、笑声等) b suddenly change one's pace for (a faster one) (加快速度)而成…步伐 broke into a gallop 突然飞跑起来 3 interrupt 打断 break a leg (as int.) Theatr. slang good luck 【戏】[俚语]交好运 break new (or fresh) ground see GROUND1 break of day dawn 破晓,拂晓 break off 1 detach by breaking 挣脱;断开 2 bring to an end 终止 3 cease talking etc. (说话等)突然住口 break open open forcibly 撞开;撬开 break out 1 escape by force, esp. from prison (尤指从监狱)逃脱;逃走 2 begin suddenly; burst forth 突然出现;爆发 then violence broke out 然后发生了暴乱 3 (foll. by 后跟 in) become covered in (a rash etc.) 布满(皮疹等) 4 exclaim 说出 5 release (a run-up flag) 使(旗帜)升起后展开 6 US []a open up (a receptacle) and remove its contents (容器)打开后取出其内的东西 b remove (articles) from a place of storage 从储藏处取出(物品) break step get out of step 打乱(步伐) break up 1 break into small pieces 打碎,粉碎 2 disperse; disband 散开;解散 3 Brit. end the school term []学期结束;放假 4a terminate a relationship; disband 终止关系;散去 b cause to do this 使解体 5 Brit. (of the weather) change suddenly (esp. after a fine spell) [] (天气)突变(尤指经过一段好天气之后) 6 esp. US [尤美]a upset or be upset 扰乱,使烦乱 b excite or be excited 兴奋;使兴奋 c convulse or be convulsed (see also 亦见 BREAK-UP) 震动;使震动 break wind release gas from the anus 放屁 break one's word see WORD[Old English brecan, from Germanic: related to BRAY2, BREACH]




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