释义 |
brand/brænd/ n. & v.●n. 1a a particular make of goods 商品的牌子;商标 b (in full 全称 brand name) an identifying trade mark, label, etc. 认可的商标(牌子等) 2 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) a special or characteristic kind 特殊(或独特)的种类 brand of humour 别具一格的幽默 3 an identifying mark burned on livestock or (formerly) prisoners etc. with a hot iron (牲畜身上表明所属的)火印; (从前囚犯等身上的)烙印 4 an iron used for this 烙铁 5 a piece of burning, smouldering, or charred wood 燃烧(冒烟或烧焦)的木头 6 a stigma; a mark of disgrace 污名;耻辱的标记 7 poet. [诗]a a torch 火炬 b a sword 剑 8 a kind of blight, leaving leaves with a burnt appearance (叶子的)黑粉病 ●v. tr. 1 mark with a hot iron 打烙印于 2 stigmatize; mark with disgrace 加污名于,给…抹黑 they branded him a liar 他们给他加上说谎者的罪名; was branded for life 终生蒙受耻辱 3 impress unforgettably on one's mind 铭刻于 4 assign a trade mark or label to 加商标于 □ brander n.[Old English, from Germanic] |