

单词 lord
释义 lord/lɔ:d/ n., int. & v.n. 1 a master or ruler 君主;君王 2 hist. a feudal superior, esp. of a manor [史义]封建主(尤指领主、庄园主) 3 a peer of the realm or a person entitled to the title Lord, esp. a marquess, earl, viscount, or baron 贵族;勋爵(尤指侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵) 4 ( Lord) (often prec. by 常前接 the) a name for God or Christ (上帝或耶稣基督) 5 ( Lord)a prefixed as the designation of a marquess, earl, viscount, or baron 勋爵(用在侯、伯、子或男爵前的尊称) b prefixed to the Christian name of the younger son of a duke or marquess 阁下(用于公爵或侯爵幼子教名前的尊称) c ( the Lords) = HOUSE OF LORDS 6 Astrol. the ruling planet (of a sign, house, or chart) 【占】主星 int. ( Lord) expressing surprise, dismay, etc. (表示惊讶、沮丧等)上帝!天啊 ! v. tr. confer the title of Lord upon 封…为勋爵 live like a lord live sumptuously 过奢侈的生活 lord it over 1 domineer 专横跋扈 2 adopt an attitude of superiority over 对…逞威风,霸道 lord over (usu. in passive 通常用被动) rule over 统治 lordless adj. lordlike adj.[Old English hlɑˉford from hlɑˉfweard = bread-keeper (as LOAF1, WARD)]




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