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tapestry/ˈtæpistri/n. (pl. -ies) 1a a thick textile fabric in which coloured weft threads are woven to form pictures or designs (用彩色纬线织成各种图案的)挂毯,墙毡 b embroidery imitating this, usu. in wools on canvas (模仿挂毯图案、通常在帆布上刺的)绒绣,织锦 c a piece of such embroidery 绒绣品,织锦品 2 events or circumstances etc. compared with a tapestry in being intricate, interwoven, etc. (如挂毯图案般)构思精巧的事件画面(或情景) life's rich tapestry 生活的丰富多彩 □ tapestried adj.[Middle English, alteration of tapissery via Old French tapisserie from tapissier ‘tapestry worker’ or tapisser ‘to carpet’, from tapis: see TAPIS] |