释义 |
snob/snɒb/n. 1a a person with an exaggerated respect for social position or wealth and who despises people considered socially inferior 势利小人,谄上傲下的人 b a person who seeks to cultivate people considered socially superior 设法结交社会名流者 c (作 attrib.) related to or characteristic of these attitudes 势利的;自命不凡的 2 a person who despises others whose (usu. specified) tastes or attainments are considered inferior 自命不凡者,假内行 an intellectual snob 自以为很有知识的人; a wine snob 自以为懂葡萄酒的人 □ snobbery n. (pl. -ies)□ snobbish adj.□ snobbishly adv.□ snobbishness n.□ snobby adj. (snobbier, snobbiest)[18th c. (now dialect) ‘cobbler’: origin unknown] |