

单词 take off
释义 take off 1 a remove (clothing) from one's or another's body 脱去 ( 衣服鞋帽等 ) b remove or lead away 拿掉;移走 c withdraw (transport, a show, etc.) 取消 ( 运输 ) ;中止 ( 演出等 ) 2 deduct (part of an amount) 扣除,减去 3 depart, esp. hastily ( 尤指匆忙地 ) 离开 took off in a fast car 乘坐一辆快车离开 4 colloq. mimic humorously [ ] ( 幽默地 ) 模仿 5 jump from the ground 起跳 6 become airborne 升空,起飞 7 (of a scheme, enterprise, etc.) become successful or popular ( 计划、事业等 ) 开始取得成功;开始流行 8 have (a period) away from work 抽出 ( 时间 ) 休息,休假

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