

单词 snarl
释义 snarl1/snɑ:l/ v. & n.v. 1 intr. (of a dog) make an angry growl with bared teeth ()嗥叫,狂吠 2 intr. (of a person) speak cynically; make bad-tempered complaints or criticisms ()挖苦;怒斥,怒骂 3 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out)a utter in a snarling tone 怒吼着说,咆哮着表达 b express (discontent etc.) by snarling 咆哮,怒吼(以示不满等) n. the act or sound of snarling 狂吠,嗥叫;咆哮(),怒吼() snarler n. snarlingly adv. snarly adj. (snarlier, snarliest)[earlier snar, from (Middle) Low German, Middle High German snarren]




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