

单词 bless
释义 bless/bles/v. tr. (past and past part. blessed, poet. [] blest /blest/) 1 (of a priest etc.) pronounce words, esp. in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on (尤指牧师、神父等在宗教仪式上祝福)使神圣;为…祈神赐福,为…祈神保佑 bless this house 愿上帝保佑这所房屋 2a consecrate (esp. bread and wine) (尤指面包和酒)祝作圣物 b sanctify by the sign of the cross (划十字)使圣洁 3 call (God) holy; adore 赞美(上帝),对(上帝)感恩 4 attribute one's good fortune to (an auspicious time, one's fate, etc.); thank 把好运归于(吉时、运气等) bless the day I met her 幸亏是那天我遇到了她; bless my stars 我真走运呀 5 (usu. in passive; often foll. by 常后跟 with) make happy or successful 使幸福;使昌盛 blessed with children 有孩子真福气; they were truly blessed 他们真是幸运 6 euphem. curse; damn []谴责,咒骂,诅咒 bless the boy! 这孩子该死 ! (God) bless me (or my soul) an exclamation of surprise, pleasure, indignation, etc. 哎呀,我的天哪(表示惊讶、快乐、愤慨等) (God) bless you! 1 an exclamation of endearment, gratitude, etc. (表示爱抚、感激等)愿上帝保佑你(你们);请多保重 2 an exclamation made to a person who has just sneezed 长命百岁(在别人打喷嚏时说) I'm (or well, I'm) blessed (or blest) an exclamation of surprise etc. 哎呀,我的天哪(表示惊讶) not have a penny to bless oneself with be impoverished 贫无立锥之地,一文不名 [Old English blœˉdsian, blēdsian, blētsian, from blōd ‘blood’ (hence ‘mark with blood, consecrate’): meaning influenced by its use at the conversion of the English to translate Latin benedicare ‘praise’]




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