

单词 line
释义 line1/lain/ n. & v.n. 1 a continuous mark or band made on a surface 线;线条 drew a line 划一条线 2 use of lines in art, esp. draughtsmanship or engraving 艺术(尤指草稿或雕刻)中线条的运用 boldness of line 线条粗犷雄浑 3 a thing resembling such a mark esp. a furrow or wrinkle 纹路,褶子,皱纹 4 Mus. 【音】a each of (usu. five) horizontal marks forming a stave in musical notation 乐谱线 b a sequence of notes or tones forming an instrumental or vocal melody (构成器乐或声乐的)一系列的音符(或乐音) 5a a straight or curved continuous extent of length without breadth 直线;曲线 b the track of a moving point (移动的)轨迹 6a a contour or outline, esp. as a feature of design 外形,周边线,轮廓 admired the yacht's clean lines 赞叹游艇简洁明快的流线型; the pure line of a tailored jacket 裁剪得体的茄克外形 b a facial feature 脸部特征 the cruel line of his mouth 凶残的嘴形 7a (on a map or graph) a curve connecting all points having a specified common property (地图或图表上的)曲线图 b (the Line) the equator 赤道线 8a a limit or boundary 界限;边界线 b a mark limiting the area of play, the starting or finishing point in a race, etc. 运动场地的界线,(竞赛等的)起跑线,终点线 c the boundary between a credit and a debit in an account (账本中)贷方和借方的区分线 9a a row of persons or things (人或物的)排列,行列 b a direction as indicated by them 方向线,路线 line of march 行进路线 c N. Amer. a queue [北美]辫子 10a a row of printed or written words (印刷或书写的)字行 b a portion of verse written in one line (诗的) 11 (in pl. 用复数)a a piece of poetry 一首诗 b the words of an actor's part 台词 c a specified amount of text etc. to be written out as a school punishment 学校罚做的作业(抄写课文等) 12 a short letter or note 短简;便条 drop me a line 给我留了一张便条 13 (in pl. 用复数) = MARRIAGE LINES 14 a length of cord, rope, wire, etc., usu. serving a specified purpose, esp. a fishing line or clothes line 线,绳,索,金属丝(尤指钓鱼线,晾衣绳) 15a a wire or cable for a telephone or telegraph 电话线,电报电缆 b a connection by means of this (电话、电报)通讯线路 am trying to get a line 正设法拨通电话 16a a single track of a railway 铁轨 b one branch or route of a railway system, or the whole system under one management 铁路段,铁路线,铁路系统 17a a regular succession of buses, ships, aircraft, etc., plying between certain places (汽车、船只、飞机等的)运输线,航线 b a company conducting this 运输公司,航运公司 shipping line 海运公司 18 a connected series of persons following one another in time (esp. several generations of a family); stock, succession 世系,家族(尤指家系)血统,继承 a long line of craftsmen 世代手艺人; next in line to the throne 下一个王位继承人 19a a course or manner of procedure, conduct, thought, etc. (过程、行动、思想等的)途径,步骤,方式,方法 did it along these lines 按照这些方法去做; don't take that line with me 别跟我来那一套 b policy 方针,政策 the party line 党的方针 c conformity 一致,和谐 bring them into line 使它们相一致 20 a direction, course, or channel 方向;线路;渠道 lines of communication 交通路线 21 a department of activity; a province; a branch of business 活动范围,专业范围,行业 not in my line 不是我的专长 22 a range of commercial goods 成套的商品,系列商品 a new line in hats 新款式帽子 23 colloq. a false or exaggerated account or story; a dishonest approach []假话,夸大事实的话;不诚实的手段 gave me a line about missing the bus 给我编了一套误车的谎言 24a a connected series of military fieldworks, defences, etc. 军事工事,防御工事 behind enemy lines 敌人后方 b an arrangement of soldiers or ships in a column or line formation; a line of battle (编队)成行列的队形;战斗队形 ship of the line 战斗编队中的舰只 c (prec. by 前接 the) regular army regiments (not auxiliary forces or Guards) 正规军(非辅助部队或卫队) 25 each of the very narrow horizontal sections forming a television picture 电视图像扫描线 26 a narrow range of the spectrum that is noticeably brighter or darker than the adjacent parts 光谱的窄区(比临近部分明亮或阴暗) 27 the level of the base of most letters in printing and writing (印刷或书写的)字母基线 28 (as a measure) one-twelfth of an inch (作为计时单位)英分, 1/12 英寸 v. tr. 1 mark with lines 划线标出 2 cover with lines 使起皱纹 a face lined with pain 痛得满是皱纹的脸 3 position or stand at intervals along 沿…排()成行 crowds lined the route 人群沿途站立成行 all along the line at every point 到处,全部地,在每一点上 bring into line make conform 使…一致 come into line conform 取得一致 end of the line the point at which further effort is unproductive or one can go no further 穷图末日;事情的尽头 get a line on colloq. learn something about []获得…消息 in line for likely to receive 有可能获得… in the line of in the course of (esp. duty) 在…期间(尤指职责) in (or out of) line with in (or not in) alignment or accordance with 与…一致(不一致),与…相符合(不相符合) lay (or put) it on the line speak frankly 坦率地说 line up 1 arrange or be arranged in a line or lines (使)排成行 2 have ready; organize 使…安排就序;组织 had a job lined up 将工作安排就序 on the line 1 at risk 冒风险 put my reputation on the line 拿我的名誉去冒风险 2 speaking on the telephone 正在打电话 3 (of a picture in an exhibition) hung with its centre about level with the spectator's eye (展厅的画挂在)与眼睛齐平的位置 out of line 1 not in alignment; discordant 不在一条直线上;不一致 2 failing to conform to a rule or convention, behaving inappropriately 无规矩,出格,行为失当 [Middle English line, ligne from Old French ligne, ultimately via Latin linea from linum ‘flax’, and from Old English līne ‘rope, series’]




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