

单词 like
释义 like1/laik/ adj., prep., adv., conj. & n.adj. (often governing a noun as if a transitive participle such as resembling 像及物动词的分词一样常支配名词,如 resembling) (more like, most like) 1a having some or all of the qualities of another or each other or an original; alike 相似的,相同的 in like manner 以相同的方式; as like as two peas 一模一样; is very like her brother 很像她的兄弟 b resembling in some way, such as; in the same class as 相像的,诸如此类的;与…类似的 good writers like Dickens 像狄更斯那样的优秀作家 c (usu. in pairs correlatively 通常相关地配成对) as one is so will the other be 有此及彼 like mother, like daughter 有其母必有其女 2 characteristic of 有…特性的 it is not like them to be late 不要像他们那样迟到 3 in a suitable state or mood for (doing or having something) (做某事或拥有某物)在适宜的状态(或气氛)中的 felt like working 想要干活; felt like a cup of tea 想喝杯茶 prep. in the manner of; to the same degree as 以…方式;与…程度相同,同…一样 drink like a fish 像鱼一样喝水; sell like hot cakes 畅销; acted like an idiot 行为像白痴一样 adv. 1 archaic likely [古义]可能 they will come, like enough 他们多半会来 2 archaic in the same manner [古义]像…似地 foll. by 后跟 as: sang like as a nightingale 像夜莺似地歌唱 3 slang so to speak [俚语]可以说,也就是说,简直是 did a quick getaway, like 简直是连奔带跑地溜之大吉; as I said, like, I'm no Shakespeare 正如我说过的,也就是说,我不是莎士比亚 4 colloq. likely, probably []可能,大概 as like as not 很可能 conj. colloq. disp. [] [异议] 1 as 像…那样,如同 cannot do it like you do 做不到像你那样 2 as if 好像 ate like they were starving 像饿死鬼一样吃,狼吞虎咽 n. 1 a counterpart; an equal; a similar person or thing 相对应的人(或物);相等同的人(或物);相似的人(或物) shall not see its like again 将不再见到与此相同的东西; compare like with like 相似的东西相比 2 (prec. by 前接 the) a thing or things of the same kind 同类 will never do the like again 再也不会做此类事情 and the like and similar things; et cetera 诸如此类;等等 music, painting, and the like 音乐、绘画等 be nothing like (usu. with compl. 通常与补语连用) be in no way similar or comparable or adequate 一点也不像;无法比得上;不足;没有那么多 like anything see ANYTHING like (or as like) as not colloq. probably []很可能;大概 like so colloq. like this; in this manner []像这样;照这种方式 the likes of colloq. a person such as []像这样的人 more like it colloq. nearer what is required []与要求相差不远,更符合要求 of like (or of a like) mind = LIKE-MINDED what is he (or she or it etc.) like? what sort of characteristics does he (or she, or it, etc.) have? 是什么样的人?是什么样的东西 ?[Middle English līc, līk, shortened form of Old English gelīc ALIKE]
Usage 用法说明
When like means ‘such as’ (see sense 1b of the adjective), some people prefer such as to be used in formal contexts when more than one example is mentioned, e.g. good writers such as Dickens, Shakespeare, and Hardy. like 意思为“与类似的”(见形容词释义 1b) 时,有人喜欢把它用于正式文体的上下文中,以列举多个例子,如 good writers such as Dickens, Shakespeare, and Hardy (优秀作家,如狄更斯、莎士比亚、哈代等) The use of like as a conjunction, e.g. He did it like he'd never done it before, is often condemned and is therefore best avoided by using instead as or as if as appropriate. like 用作连词时,如 : He did it like he'd never done it before (他做此事的样子,像从未做过似的)常遭到非议,最好尽量避免之,由 as as if 取代它显得恰当些。




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