

单词 black
释义 black/blæk/ adj., n. & v.adj. 1 very dark, having no colour from the absorption of all or nearly all incident light (like coal or soot) 黑的,漆黑的(如同煤或煤烟) 2 completely dark from the absence of a source of light 黑暗的 black night 漆黑的夜晚 3 (also 亦作 Black)a of the human group having dark-coloured skin, esp. of African or Australian Aboriginal descent 黑皮肤的(尤指非洲或澳大利亚土著人) b of or relating to black people (有关)黑人的 black rights 黑人的权利 4 (of the sky, a cloud, etc.) dusky; heavily overcast (天空、云等)暗黑的;乌黑的 5 angry, threatening 生气的,威胁性的 a black look 愤怒的目光 6 implying disgrace or condemnation 不光彩的,谴责的 in his black books 在他那不光彩的书中 7 wicked, sinister, deadly 邪恶的,险恶的,有害的 black-hearted 黑心的,邪恶的 8 gloomy, depressed, sullen 阴郁的,忧闷的,忧郁的 a black mood 低落的情绪 9 portending trouble or difficulty 有麻烦的,有困难的 things looked black 事情看来不妙 10 (of hands, clothes, etc.) dirty, soiled (手、衣服等)脏的,被污染的 11 (of humour or its representation) with sinister or macabre, as well as comic, import (幽默或幽默作品)黑色幽默的 black comedy 黑色喜剧 12 (of tea or coffee) without milk (茶或咖啡)不加牛奶的 13 Brit. []a (of industrial labour or its products) boycotted, esp. by a trade union, in an industrial dispute (工业劳动、工业产品)(尤指工会)抵制的 b (of a person) doing work or handling goods that have been boycotted ()做黑活的,经营黑货的 14 dark in colour as distinguished from a lighter variety 深色的 black bear 黑熊; black pine 黑松 n. 1 a black colour or pigment 黑色;黑色颜料 2 black clothes or material 黑衣服;黑料子 dressed in black 穿黑衣 3a (in a game or sport) a black piece, ball, etc. (比赛、运动中的)()(黑球等) b the player using such pieces 执黑子的人;持黑球一方的人 4 the credit side of an account 贷方 in the black 有结余 5 (also 亦作 Black) a member of a dark-skinned race, esp. of African or Australian descent 黑人(尤指非洲或澳大利亚的黑人) v. tr. 1 make black 使黑,使脏 blacked his face 弄脏了他的脸 2 polish with blacking 用黑色鞋油(或颜料) 3 Brit. declare (goods etc.) ‘black’ [] (宣布对货品等)进行抵制 black in the face livid with strangulation, exertion, or passion (由于窒息、用力或发怒)脸色发青 black out 1a effect a blackout on 对…实行灯火管制 b undergo a blackout 断电 2 obscure windows etc. or extinguish all lights for protection esp. against an air attack (尤指为防止空袭)实行灯火管制;(窗户等)被遮得不透光 blackish adj. blackly adv. blackness n.[Old English blœc]
Usage 用法说明
When referring to dark-skinned people, black (rather than Negro or Coloured) is now the preferred term. In Britain and the US it is generally used to designate people of African descent while in Australia it is used of Aboriginals. The term African-American is also common in the US for people of African descent. 说到黑人时,现在用的词是 black (不是 Negro, 也不是 Coloured) 。在美国和英国,用 black 时一般指非洲人后裔,在澳大利亚则指当地土著。在美国还常用 African-American 指非洲人后裔。 In Britain, the term black is often found alongside Asian with reference to the two largest ethnic minorities, e.g. The organization is open to blacks, Asians, and anyone who believes they suffer discrimination. In the US, black is often found alongside Hispanic in similar contexts. 在英国经常把 black Asian 一起用,指两个最大的少数民族,如 The organization is open to blacks, Asians, and anyone who believes they suffer discrimination (这个组织向黑人、亚洲人以及那些认为自己遭受歧视的人们开放。)在美国,在同样的语境中,经常把 black Hispanic 一起用。 Although black has been the preferred term for a number of years now, older people still tend to use other previously acceptable terms (e.g. Negro or Coloured). In order to avoid offence, however, these terms should not be used. 虽然大家喜欢用 black 好多年了,但是老人们还是倾向于用他们先前用过的词( Negro Coloured) 。但是为了避免冒犯,还是不要使用这些词语。




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