

单词 life
释义 life/laif/n. (pl. lives /laivz/) 1 the condition which distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, functional activity, and continual change preceding death 生命,性命 2a living things and their activity 生物(或活物)及其活动 insect life 昆虫类; is there life on Mars? 火星上有生物吗 ? b human presence or activity 人类的存在及其活动 no sign of life 无人类活动的迹象 3a the period during which life lasts, or the period from birth to the present time or from the present time to death 一生;人生阶段;寿命 have done it all my life 我一生中都在做此事; will regret it all my life 将终生为此遗憾; life membership 终身会员资格 b the duration of a thing's existence or of its ability to function; validity, efficacy, etc. (物体)存在期;(功能、效力、效能等的)有效期;耐久性;功效 the battery has a life of two years 电池的有效期为两年 4a a person's state of existence as a living individual 人的生命;人的性命 sacrificed their lives 牺牲了他们的生命; took many lives 杀死了好多人 b a living person 活人 many lives were lost 很多人丢了命 5a an individual's occupation, actions, or fortunes; the manner of one's existence 生活;生活方式 that would make life easy 那样会使生活过得太平些; start a new life 开始新的生活 b a particular aspect of this 特定的生活 love life 爱情生活; private life 私生活 6 the active part of existence; the business and pleasures of the world 人的活动;世事;人生 travelis the best way to see life 旅行是了解世事的最好途径 7 man's earthly or supposed future existence 尘世,人间;今生,今世;来生,来世 this life and the next 今世和来世 8a energy, liveliness, animation 活力;生气;活跃 full of life 充满活力; put some life into it! 给它注入一些活力吧 ! b an animating influence 活跃气氛的感染力;活跃气氛的人(或物) was the life of the party 是聚会上最活跃的人 9 the living, esp. nude, form or model 实物(尤指活的裸体、形体或模特) taken from the life 写生 10 a written account of a person's life; a biography 人物报道,特写;传记 11 colloq. a sentence of imprisonment for life []无期徒刑 they were all serving life 他们正在终身服牢役 12 a chance; a fresh start 生机,新的开端 cats have nine lives 猫有九命; gave the player three lives 给赌注式台球参加者(在开局时)三“生” come to life 1 emerge from unconsciousness or inactivity; begin operating 苏醒,复苏;开始运作 2 (of an inanimate object) assume an imaginary animation (不活跃的东西)变得活跃起来 for dear (or one's) life as if or in order to escape death; as a matter of extreme urgency 逃命似地;拼命地 hanging on for dear life 竭尽全力坚持下去; run for your life 拼命逃跑 for life for the rest of one's life 余生 for the life of (foll. by 后跟 personal pron.) even if (one's) life depended on it 即使要(某人的)命也;无论如何 cannot for the life of me remember 我无论如何也记不起来 give one's life 1 (foll. by 后跟 for) die; sacrifice oneself ()…而死;()…牺牲生命,捐躯 2 (foll. by 后跟 to) dedicate oneself 献身于… large as life colloq. in person, esp. prominently []本人,亲自;不容置疑,千真万确 stood there large as life 站在那边的就是其本人 larger than life 1 exaggerated 夸大的 2 (of a person) having an exuberant or striking personality ()出众的,非同一般的 lose one's life be killed 被杀害 not on your life colloq. most certainly not []绝对不,决不 save a person's life 1 prevent a person's death 救人性命 2 save a person from serious difficulty 救人于危难之中 take one's life in one's hands take a crucial personal risk 冒生命危险 to the life true to the original 与原来相仿,逼真 [Old English līf, from Germanic]




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