

单词 lie
释义 lie1/lai/ v. & n.v. intr. (lying /ˈlaiiŋ/; past lay /lei/; past part. lain /lein/) 1 be in or assume a horizontal position on a supporting surface; be at rest on something 平卧;躺 2 (of a thing) rest flat on a surface ()平摆,平放 snow lay on the ground 地面上积着雪 3 (of abstract things) remain undisturbed or undiscussed etc. (抽象事物)放着不管,搁着不动 let matters lie 把问题搁置起来 4a be kept or remain or be in a specified, esp. concealed, state or place 保持,保留(或处在)某特定(尤指隐蔽)的状态(或地方) lie hidden 隐藏着; lie in wait 暗中等待; malice lay behind those words 那些话里藏着怨恨; they lay dying 他们奄奄一息; the books lay unread 书没有打开读过; the money is lying in the bank 钱还放在银行里 b (of abstract things) exist, reside; be in a certain position or relation (抽象事物)存在;归于;处于特定的地位(或关系中) foll. by 后跟 in, with, etc.: the answer lies in education 解决的方法在于教育; my sympathies lie with the family 我同情这个家庭 5a be situated or stationed 位于,座落在 the village lay to the east 村子位于东边; the ships are lying off the coast 轮船停泊在离岸不远的地方 b (of a road, route, etc.) lead (路、航线等)伸展 the road lies over mountains 路向山上伸展 c be spread out to view 展现 the desert lay before us 沙漠展现在我们面前 6 (of the dead) be buried in a grave (死者)被埋葬 7 (foll. by 后跟 with) archaic have sexual intercourse [古义]交媾 8 Law be admissible or sustainable 【法律】可受理;可立案 the objection will not lie 反对的理由不成立 9 (of a game bird) not rise (猎鸟)不起飞 n. 1a the way or direction or position in which a thing lies (物体所处的)状态;方向;位置 b Golf the position of a golf ball when about to be struck 【高尔夫球】高尔夫球停的位置 2 the place of cover of an animal or a bird 兽穴;鸟巢 as far as in me lies to the best of my power 竭我所能 let lie not raise (a controversial matter etc.) for discussion etc. (争论的事等)搁置不管(不讨论等) lie about (or around) be left carelessly out of place 到处乱放 lie ahead be going to happen; be in store 即将发生;将有 lie back recline so as to rest 向后靠着休息 lie down assume a lying position; have a short rest 躺下;躺着(暂作休息) lie down under Brit. accept (an insult etc.) without protest []甘心受(辱等) lie heavy cause discomfort or anxiety 使不适(或焦虑) lie in 1 remain in bed in the morning (早晨)不起床,睡懒觉 2 archaic be brought to bed in childbirth [古义]待产,等待分娩 lie in state (of a deceased person of high rank) be laid in a public place of honour before burial (地位高的死者埋葬前)停放在公共场所供瞻仰 lie low 1 keep quiet or unseen 不作声;躲避 2 be discreet about one's intentions 不动声色,保守秘密 lie off Naut. stand some distance from shore or from another ship 【海】停泊在离岸(或船)不远处 lie over be deferred 延期办理,暂时搁置 lie to Naut. come almost to a stop facing the wind 【海】()顶风不前 lie up (of a ship) go into dock or be out of commission (轮船)入坞(或退役) lie with (often foll. by 常后跟 to + infin.) be the responsibility of (a person) (某人)负责处理 it lies with you to answer 此事由你负责解决 take lying down (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) accept (defeat, rebuke, etc.) without resistance or protest etc. (失败、非难等)甘心承受(乖乖地接受等)[Old English licgan, from Germanic]
Usage 用法说明
The transitive use of lie, meaning ‘lay’, as in Lie him on the bed, is incorrect and to be avoided. lie 作及物动词意为“ lay (),如 Lie him on the bed (把他放在床上),这一用法是不正确的,要避免。




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