

单词 let
释义 let1/let/ v., v. aux. & n.v. (letting; past and past part. let) 1 tr.a allow to, not prevent or forbid 允许,让 we let them go 我们让他们走了 b cause to 使得 let me know 告诉我吧; let it be known 使大家知道 2 tr. (foll. by 后跟 into)a allow to enter 允许…进入 b make acquainted with (a secret etc.) 使了解(秘密等) c inlay in 把…镶入(嵌入或插入) 3 tr. grant the use of (rooms, land, etc.) for rent or hire 出租;出借(房间、土地等) was let to the new tenant for a year 出租给新承租人一年 4 tr. allow or cause (liquid or air) to escape (或使) (液体或气体)流出(释放) let blood 放血 5 tr. award (a contract for work) 让人承包(工作合同) v. aux. supplying the first and third persons of the imperative in exhortations (let us pray 让我们祈祷吧), commands let it be done at once 马上做完; let there be light 点上灯吧, assumptions let AB be equal to CD 假设 AB 等于 CD, and permission or challenge let him do his worst 看他怎么作恶吧;让他拿出最凶狠的本领来看看 (引出祈使句的第一和第三人称)表示规劝,建议表示命令表示假设表示同意(或挑战) n. Brit. the act or an instance of letting a house, room, etc. []出租房屋(房间等) a long let 长期出租 let alone 1 not to mention, far less or more 更不用说 hasn't got a television, let alone a video 电视还没有呢,更不用说录像了 2 = let be let be not interfere with, attend to, or do 别去打扰,别管,不用去做 let down 1 lower 放下 2 fail to support or satisfy, disappoint 辜负,使失望,使沮丧 3 lengthen (a garment) 加长,放长(衣服) 4 deflate (a tyre) (放气)使(轮胎)瘪凹 let down gently avoid humiliating abruptly 给…留点面子,别让…丢脸 let drop (or fall) 1 drop (esp. a word or hint) intentionally or by accident 有意无意说出(给出) (尤指话或暗示) 2 (foll. by 后跟 on, upon, to) Geom. draw (a perpendicular) from an outside point to a line 【几】画(垂直线) let fly 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 at) attack physically or verbally 打;骂 2 discharge (a missile) 发射(导弹) let go 1 release, set at liberty 放开,释放 2a (often foll. by 常后跟 of) lose or relinquish one's hold 放开手,松开手 b lose hold of 没抓住 3 cease to think or talk about 不再考虑,不再谈论 let oneself go 1 give way to enthusiasm, impulse, etc. 使热情(冲动等)放纵,随心所欲 2 cease to take trouble, neglect one's appearance or habits 不费心;变得不修边幅 let in 1 allow to enter 让…进来 let the dog in 让狗进来; let in a flood of light 让一大片强光照进来; this would let in all sorts of evils 这会让各种罪恶乘虚而入 2 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) involve (a person, often oneself) in loss or difficulty 使(某人,常是自己)蒙受损失(或陷入困境) 3 (foll. by 后跟 on) allow (a person) to share privileges, information, etc. (某人)分享(特权);让(某人)知晓(消息等) 4 inlay (a thing) in another (某物)嵌入(插入)另一物之中 let oneself in enter a building by means of a latchkey (用钥匙开锁)进入 let loose 1 release from captivity or restraint 释放;使自由 2 (also foll. by 亦后跟 with) emit abruptly (a scream, tirade, etc.) 发出(尖叫)声音;发表(激烈言论等) let me see see SEE1 let off 1a fire (a gun) (枪、炮) b explode (a bomb or firework) 引爆(炸弹);放(烟火) 2 allow or cause (steam, liquid, etc.) to escape (使)排放(蒸气、液体等) 3 allow to alight from a vehicle etc. 让…(从车辆等上)下来 4a not punish or compel 饶恕;放过 b (foll. by 后跟 with) punish lightly 从轻处理 5 Brit. let (part of a house etc.) []出租(部分房屋等) let off steam see STEAM let on colloq. [] 1 reveal a secret 泄露秘密 2 pretend 假装 let on that he had succeeded 他假装获得了成功 let out 1 allow to go out, esp. through a doorway 放走(尤指从门出去) 2 release from restraint 释放,放出 3 (often foll. by 常后跟 that + clause) reveal (a secret etc.) 泄露(秘密等) 4 make (a garment) looser esp. by adjustment at a seam (尤指调整线缝)放大(衣服) 5 put out to rent esp. to several tenants, or to contract 出租(尤指租给几个客户或订契约出租) 6 exculpate 使开脱 let rip see RIP1 let slip see SLIP1 let through allow to pass 准许通过(及格) let up colloq. [] 1 become less intense or severe 减弱,减轻,缓和 2 relax one's efforts 松劲,放松 to let available for rent 待租,出租 [Old English ˉtan from Germanic: related to LATE]




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