释义 |
surprise/səˈpraiz/ n. & v.●n. 1 an unexpected or astonishing event or circumstance 意想不到的事情(或情况);令人惊奇的事情(或情况) 2 the emotion caused by this 惊奇;诧异 3 the act of catching a person etc. unawares, or the process of being caught unawares 出其不意;出乎意料 4 (作 attrib.) unexpected; made or done etc. without warning 意想不到的,出人意料的;出其不意的 a surprise visit 出人意料的访问 ●v. tr. 1 affect with surprise; turn out contrary to the expectations of 使惊讶,使惊奇,使意外 your answer surprised me 你的回答让我感到惊讶; I surprised her by arriving early 我的早到令她感到意外 2 (usu. in passive 通常用被动; foll. by 后跟 at) shock, scandalize 使震惊;使反感 I am surprised at you 你让我反感 3 capture or attack by surprise 出其不意地俘获;突然袭击 4 come upon (a person) unawares 撞见(某人) surprised him taking a biscuit 撞见他在拿饼干 5 (foll. by 后跟 into) startle (a person) by surprise into an action etc. 出其不意地使(某人)做(某事等) surprised them into consenting 出其不意地使他们同意 □ take by surprise affect with surprise, esp. by an unexpected encounter or statement (尤指由于意外的相遇或话语)吃惊,意外 □ surprisedly /-zidli/ adv.□ surprising adj.□ surprisingly adv.□ surprisingness n.[Old French, fem. past part. of surprendre (as SUR-1, prendre from Latin praehendere ‘seize’)] |