

单词 bear
释义 bear1/bɛə/v. (past bore /bɔ:/; past part. borne, born /bɔ:n/) 1 tr. carry, bring, or take (esp. visibly) (尤指明显地)携,带,拿 bear gifts 带来礼物 2 tr. show; be marked by; have as an attribute or characteristic 显示,怀有,有…特点 bear marks of violence 有暴力的迹象; bears no relation to the case 与这个案件无关; bore no name 没有名字 3 tr.a produce, yield (fruit etc.) 产,结(果等) b give birth to 生育 has borne a son 生了一个儿子; was born last week 出生于上星期 4 tr.a sustain (a weight, responsibility, cost, etc.) 承受,支撑,负担(重量、责任、费用等) b stand, endure (an ordeal, difficulty, etc.) 忍受,经受(考验、困难等) 5 tr. (usu. with neg. or interrog. 通常与否定词或疑问词连用)a tolerate; put up with 容忍,忍受 can't bear him 忍受不了他; how can you bear it? 你怎么能容忍这种事? b admit of; be fit for 容许,适宜于 does not bear thinking about 不堪设想 6 tr. carry in thought or memory 牢记,记住 bear a grudge 怀恨在心 7 intr. veer in a given direction 往…方向拐 bear left 向左拐 8 tr. bring or provide (something needed) 提供(所需东西) bear him company 陪伴他 9 refl. behave (in a certain way) (以某种方式)表现 bear arms 1 carry weapons; serve as a soldier 携带武器,当兵 2 wear or display heraldic devices 佩有盾形纹章 bear away (or off) win (a prize etc.) 获得(奖品等) bear down exert downward pressure 压倒,把…压下去 bear down on approach rapidly or purposefully 向…逼近;冲向 bear fruit have results 有结果,有成效 bear a hand help 帮助 bear hard on oppress 压迫 bear in mind take into account having remembered 记住 bear on (or upon) be relevant to 与…有关 bear out support or confirm (an account or the person giving it) 证实(报道);证明(予以报道的人) bear repeating be worth repetition 值得重复 bear up raise one's spirits; not despair 振作起来,不灰心 bear with treat forbearingly; tolerate patiently 忍受,对…有耐心 bear witness testify 证明 [Old English beran, from Germanic]
Usage 用法说明
Note the difference between borne and born. Borne is the standard past participle of bear and is used in all senses above except one, e.g. the ship that had borne me across the sea; the worried look she has borne since his departure; the findings have been borne out. Born is used only in the passive with reference to birth, e.g. was born in July, and then not if followed by by and the name of the mother (e.g. was borne by Sarah). Compare a son was born to Sarah which is also correct. Although born is used only in one sense, this sense is so common that born is a more common English word than borne, which probably adds to the confusion. 注意 borne born 的区别, borne bear 的标准过去分词,用于除了一个释义之外的上述各个释义,如 the ship that had borne me across the sea (轮船把我载过大洋); the worried look she has borne since his departure (他走后她面带焦虑的神情); the findings have been borne out (研究结果已经过证实). born 只用于有关生育的被动语态,如 was born in July (生于 7 ),如果后面跟 by 及母亲的名称,则另当别论( was borne by Sarah 莎拉所生)。比较一下 a son was born to Sarah, 这种说法也不错。虽然 born 只用于一个释义,但这个释义很常用,是一个比 borne 常用的英语单词,因而有可能产生混淆。




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