释义 |
laurel/ˈlɒr(ə)l/ n. & v.●n. 1 = BAY2 1 2a (in sing. or pl. 用单数或复数) the foliage of the bay tree used as an emblem of victory or distinction in poetry, usu. formed into a wreath or crown (象征在诗歌方面的成就或殊荣,通常用月桂叶编成的)花圈;王冠 b (in pl. 用复数) honour or distinction 荣誉;殊荣 3 any plant with dark green glossy leaves like a bay tree, e.g. cherry laurel, mountain laurel, spurge laurel 类似月桂属植物(如桂樱、山月桂、桂叶芫花) ●v. tr. (laurelled, laurelling; US [美] laureled, laureling) wreathe with laurel 给…戴上桂冠 □ look to one's laurels beware of losing one's pre-eminence 小心地保持荣誉 □ rest on one's laurels be satisfied with what one has done and not seek further success 满足已有成绩;固步自封,不求上进 [Middle English lorer via Old French lorier and Provençal laurier, from laur, from Latin laurus] |