释义 |
suit/su:t, sju:t/ n. & v.●n. 1a a set of outer clothes of matching material for men, consisting usu. of a jacket, trousers, and sometimes a waistcoat 一套男式衣服(通常包括上衣和裤子,有时还包括马甲) b a similar set of clothes for women usu. having a skirt instead of trousers 一套女式衣服(通常包括上衣和裙子) c (esp. in comb. 尤用于复合词) a set of clothes for a special occasion, occupation, etc. (为某个特殊场合、职业等穿的)套装、套服 playsuit 运动服; swimsuit 游泳衣 2a any of the four sets (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs) into which a pack of cards is divided (扑克牌中的)各花色的一组牌(指黑桃、红心、方块或梅花) b a player's holding in a suit (打牌者手中持有的)同样花色的一组牌 his strong suit was clubs 他手里最强的牌是梅花 c Bridge one of the suits as proposed trumps in bidding, frequently as opposed to no trumps 【桥牌】长套花色(叫牌时可选择作为有将牌,通常相对于无将而言) 3 (in full 全称 suit at law) a lawsuit 诉讼 criminal suit 刑事诉讼 4a a petition esp. to a person in authority (尤指向某一权威人物提出的)恳求,请求 b the process of courting a woman (对女子的)求爱,求婚 paid suit to her 向她求爱 5 (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) a set of sails, armour, etc. 一套(船帆等);一副(盔甲等) 6 slang a person wearing a suit; a business executive [俚语]衣冠楚楚的人;生意场上的老板 ●v. 1 tr. go well with (a person's figure, features, character, etc.); become 适合于,适宜于(某人的体型、相貌、性格等);与…相配 2 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) meet the demands or requirements of; satisfy; agree with 合乎…的要求;使满意;与…相称 does not suit all tastes 不是人人中意; that date will suit 那个日期合适 3 tr. make fitting or appropriate; accommodate; adapt 使适合;使适宜;使适应 suited his style to his audience 使他的风格适合于观众的口味 4 tr. (as 作 suited adj.) appropriate; well fitted 适合的;适宜的 not suited to be an engineer 不适合做工程师 □ suit the action to the word carry out a promise or threat at once 说到就做到,立即兑现承诺(或威胁) □ suit oneself 1 do as one chooses 按自己的意愿行事 2 find something that satisfies one 找到能够满足自己需求的事物 [Middle English via Anglo-French siute, Old French si(e)ute from fem. past part. of a Romanic alteration of Latin sequi ‘follow’] |