释义 |
substantial/səbˈstænʃ(ə)l/adj. 1a of real importance, value, or validity 重大的,有价值的,有分量的 made a substantial contribution 作出了重大贡献 b of large size or amount 相当大的;大量的 awarded substantial damages 得到相当数额的损害赔偿金 2 of solid material or structure; stout 坚固的;结实的 a man of substantial build 身体结实的男子; a substantial house 坚固的房屋 3 commercially successful; wealthy 富有的,殷实的 4 essential; true in large part 基本的,本质的;基本属实的 substantial truth 基本上是事实 5 having substance; real 实在的;真实的 □ substantiality /-ʃiˈæliti/ n.□ substantially adv.[Middle English from Old French substantiel or Late Latin substantialis (as SUBSTANCE)] |