

单词 strike
释义 strike/straik/ v. & n.v. (past struck /strʌk/; past part. struck or archaic [古义] stricken /ˈstrik(ə)n/) 1a tr. subject to an impact 使遭受打击 b tr. deliver (a blow) or inflict a blow on 打,击,击打 also with double object 亦与双宾语连用 : struck him a blow 给他一击 2 tr. come or bring sharply into contact with 碰撞,撞击 the ship struck a rock 船撞上了一块礁石 3 tr. propel or divert with a blow 打跑;打向 struck the ball into the pond 把球打进了池塘 4 intr. (foll. by 后跟 at) try to hit 向…打去 5 tr. cause to penetrate 使刺入;使穿透 struck terror into him 使他感到恐惧 6 tr. ignite (a match) or produce (sparks etc.) by rubbing (火柴);擦出(火花等) 7 tr. make (a coin) by stamping 冲制(硬币) 8 tr. produce (a musical note) by striking 击打出(或奏出) (乐音) 9a tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) (of a clock) indicate (the time) by the sounding of a chime etc. ()敲响报() b intr. (of time) be indicated in this way (用敲响的方式)报时 10 tr.a attack or affect suddenly 突然攻击;突然影响 was struck with sudden terror 突然感到恐惧 b (of a disease) afflict (疾病)侵袭 11 tr. cause to become suddenly 使突然变得 was struck dumb 突然变得张口结舌 12 tr. reach or achieve 达到,取得 strike a balance 取得平衡 13 tr. agree on (a bargain) 达成(交易) 14 tr. assume (an attitude or pose) suddenly and dramatically 突然来取…姿态,做出…样子 15 tr.a discover or come across 发现;偶然遇到 b find (oil etc.) by drilling (经钻探)发现(石油等) c encounter (an unusual thing etc.) 邂逅(不寻常的事情等) 16 tr. come to the attention of; occur to 突然觉得,突然想到 it strikes me as silly 我突然觉得这件事很蠢; an idea suddenly struck me 我突然想起一个主意 17a intr. (of employees) engage in a strike; cease work as a protest (雇员)罢工;罢工抗议 b tr. N. Amer. act in this way against (an employer) [北美]罢工反对(雇主) 18a tr. lower or take down (a flag or tent etc.) (旗等);拆卸(帐篷等) b intr. signify surrender by striking a flag; surrender 降旗以示投降;投降 19 intr. take a specified direction 朝…方向前进 struck east 朝东走去 20 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) secure a hook in the mouth of (a fish) by jerking the tackle (猛拉钓索以)钩住() 21 tr. (of a snake) wound with its fangs (蛇以毒牙)咬伤 22 intr. (of oysters) attach themselves to a bed (牡蛎)附着于 23a tr. insert (a cutting of a plant) in soil to take root (把插枝)插入泥土中生根 b tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) (of a plant or cutting etc.) put forth (roots) (植物或插枝等)() 24 tr. level (grain etc. or the measure) in strike-measure (用刮斗器)刮平 25 tr.a ascertain (a balance) by deducting credit or debit from the other 结算,结清 b arrive at (an average, state of balance) by equalizing all items (通过使各项均衡)达到(平均水平或平衡状态) 26 tr. compose (a jury) esp. by allowing both sides to reject the same number (尤指通过允许双方裁减相同数目来)组建(陪审团) n. 1 the act or an instance of striking 打,击 2a the organized refusal by employees to work until some grievance is remedied 罢工 b a similar refusal to participate in some other expected activity 抵制(如罢课、罢市等) 3a a discovery of oil, ore, etc. by drilling, mining, etc. (石油、矿藏等通过钻井、挖掘等的)突然发现 b a sudden find or success 突然的发现;意外成功 a lucky strike 好运 4 an attack, esp. from the air 袭击(尤指空袭) 5 Baseball a batter's unsuccessful attempt to hit a pitched ball, or another event counting equivalently against a batter 【棒球】好球 6 the act of knocking down all the pins with the first ball in bowling (保龄球中的)一击全中 7 horizontal direction in a geological structure 走向 8 a strickle 斗刮,刮板 on strike taking part in an industrial etc. strike 在罢工 strike at the root (or roots) of see ROOT1 strike back 1 strike or attack in return 还击,反击 2 (of a gas burner) burn from an internal point before the gas has become mixed with air (煤气灶)回燃 strike down 1 knock down 打倒;击倒;撞倒 2 bring low; afflict 使恶化;侵袭 struck down by a virus 染上了病毒 strike home 1 deal an effective blow 击中要害 2 have an intended effect 取得预期效果 my words struck home 我的话取得了意想的效果 strike in 1 intervene in a conversation etc. 插话 2 (of a disease) attack the interior of the body from the surface (疾病)由表入里;深入脏腑 strike it rich colloq. find a source of abundance or success []发现丰富的资源;取得意外的成功 strike a light 1 produce a light by striking a match 擦燃火柴点火 2 (as int.) Brit. colloq. an expression of surprise, disgust, etc. [英口]哎呀,天哪(表示惊讶或嫌恶等的感叹语) strike lucky (or strike it lucky) Brit. have a lucky success []意外地获得成功 strike off 1 remove with a stroke 敲下;砍掉;击断 2 delete (a name etc.) from a list 删除,抹去(姓名等) 3 produce (copies of a document) 印制(文件) strike oil 1 find petroleum by sinking a shaft (钻井时)发现石油 2 attain prosperity or success 发财;取得成功 strike out 1 hit out 挥拳狠狠打去 2 act vigorously 使劲 3 delete (an item or name etc.) 删除,抹去(项目或姓名等) 4 set off or begin 出发;开始 struck out eastwards 开始向东行进 5 use the arms and legs in swimming (游泳时)使劲划水 6 forge or devise (a plan etc.) 制订,订立(计划等) 7 Baseball 【棒球】a dismiss (a batter) by means of three strikes 三击不中 b be dismissed in this way 三振出局 strike through delete (a word etc.) with a stroke of one's pen 一笔划去(单词等) strike up 1 start (an acquaintance, conversation, etc.) esp. casually (尤指随意地)结识(某人);开始(交谈等) 2 (also absol. [亦含宾]) begin playing (a tune etc.) 开始弹奏(乐曲等) strike upon 1 have (an idea etc.) luckily occur to one 突然想起(一个主意等) 2 (of light) illuminate ()照亮 strike while the iron is hot act promptly at a good opportunity 趁热打铁 struck on Brit. colloq. infatuated with [英口]迷恋于 strikable adj.[Old English strīcan ‘go, stroke’, from West Germanic]




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