

单词 small
释义 small/smɔ:l/ adj., n. & adv.adj. 1 not large or big 小的 2 slender; thin 细小的;窄小的 3 not great in importance, amount, number, strength, or power (重要性、数量、数字、力量或权力)小的,少的,轻的 4 not much; trifling 琐细的,微小的 a small token 微小的标记; paid small attention 不大注意 5 insignificant; unimportant 无足轻重的,微不足道的 a small matter 小事; from small beginnings 从小事开始 6 consisting of small particles 微小粒子组成的 small gravel 小沙砾; small shot 小子弹 7 doing something on a small scale 小型的;小规模的 a small farmer 小农场主 8 socially undistinguished; poor or humble 低微的,卑贱的 9 petty; mean; ungenerous; paltry 卑鄙的;小气的;狭隘的;可鄙的 a small spiteful nature 睚眦必报的本性 10 young; not fully grown or developed 幼小的 a small child 小孩子 n. 1 the slenderest part of something (esp. in phr. 尤用于短语 small of the back (人的)腰背部) 细小部分 2 (in pl. 用复数) Brit. colloq. small items of laundry, esp. underwear [英口]小件洗涤物(尤指内衣) adv. into small pieces 成小块地 chop it small 剁成小块 feel (or look) small be humiliated; appear mean or humiliated 觉得渺小,自惭形秽 in a small way unambitiously; on a small scale 小型地;小规模地 no small considerable; a good deal of 相当多,相当大;很多 no small excitement about it 对此相当兴奋 small potatoes an insignificant person or thing 小人物;小事 small profits and quick returns the policy of a cheap shop etc. relying on large trade 薄利多销 small wonder not very surprising 没什么奇怪的 smallish adj. smallness n.[Old English smœl, from Germanic]




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