释义 |
avert/əˈvɜ:t/v. tr. 1 (often foll. by 常后跟 from) turn away (one's eyes or thoughts) 转移(目光、想法等) 2 prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence) 防止,避开,挡开(不希望发生的情况) □ avertible adj. (also 亦作 avertable)[Middle English from Latin avertere (as AB-, vertere vers- ‘turn’): partly via Old French avertir and Romanic]■ Usage 用法说明 Care should be taken not to confuse sense 2 of avert with avoid, e.g. Disaster was narrowly averted and He narrowly avoided being arrested. Avert incorporates the idea of taking action to ward off an undesirable event in advance, while avoid means ‘to escape’ or ‘evade’. 注意不要将 avert 释义 2 与 avoid 相混淆,例如 Disaster was narrowly averted 和 He narrowly avoided being arrested 。 avert 意思是提前采取行动避免不希望的结局,而 avoid 意为“逃脱”或“逃避”。 |