

单词 still
释义 still1/stil/ adj., n., adv. & v.adj. 1 not or hardly moving 静止的;不动的 2 with little or no sound; calm and tranquil 寂静的;安静的 a still evening 静谧的夜晚 3 (of sounds) hushed, stilled (声音)肃静的;静寂的 4 (of a drink) not effervescent (饮料)不起泡的 n. 1 deep silence 寂静;安静 in the still of the night 在夜深人静时 2 an ordinary static photograph (as opposed to a motion picture), esp. a single shot from a cinema film (与电影相对的)定格画面;(尤指电影)剧照 adv. 1 without moving 静止地;不动地 stand still 伫立不动 2 even now or at a particular time 还是;仍然 they still did not understand 他们仍然不明白; why are you still here? 你怎么还在这里? 3 nevertheless; all the same 然而;依然 4 (with compar. etc. 与比较级等连用) even, yet, increasingly 还要;甚至更 still greater efforts 更大的努力; still another explanation 还要进一步的解释 v. tr. & intr. make or become still; quieten (使)静止;(使)平息 still and all colloq. nevertheless []不过;尽管如此 still waters run deep a quiet manner conceals depths of feeling or knowledge or cunning 静水流深(沉静寡言者藏有强烈情感、丰富知识或非凡智慧) stillness n.[Old English stille (adj. & adv.), stillan (v.), from West Germanic]




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