释义 |
step/step/ n. & v.●n. 1a the complete movement of one leg in walking or running 步,脚步 took a step forward 向前迈一步 b the distance covered by this 一步的距离 2 a unit of movement in dancing 舞步 3 a measure taken, esp. one of several in a course of action (尤指行动过程中采取的)步骤,措施 took steps to prevent it 采取措施来防范它; considered it a wise step 认为这是明智的措施 4a a flat-topped structure used singly or as one of a series, for passing from one level to another 梯级;台阶 b the rung of a ladder 梯子横档 c a notch cut for a foot in ice climbing (攀冰时冰面上凿出的)踏脚处 d a platform etc. in a vehicle provided for stepping up or down (上下车辆用的)踏板 5 a short distance 短距离,近距离 only a step from my door 离我的门口仅有一步之遥 6 the sound or mark made by a foot in walking etc. 脚步声;脚印 heard a step on the stairs 听见楼梯上有脚步声 7 the manner of walking etc. as seen or heard (看到或听到的走路等的)步姿;步态 know her by her step 听脚步声就知道是她 8a a degree in the scale of promotion, advancement, or precedence 级别;等级;阶段 b one of a series of fixed points on a payscale etc. (工资等的)一级 9 (in pl. 用复数) (also 亦作 pair of steps sing.) Brit. [英] = STEPLADDER 10 esp. US Mus. a melodic interval of one degree of the scale, i.e. a tone or semitone [尤美]【音】音级(如一个或半个音程) 11 Naut. a block, socket, or platform supporting a mast 【海】桅座 ●v. (stepped, stepping) 1 intr. lift and set down one's foot or alternate feet in walking 迈步;举步 2 intr. come or go in a specified direction by stepping 步行 3 intr. make progress in a specified way 进入;踏入 stepped into a new job 开始一个新的工作 4 tr. (foll. by 后跟 off, out) measure (distance) by stepping 步测(距离) 5 tr. perform (a dance) 跳(舞) 6 tr. Naut. set up (a mast) in a step 【海】把(桅杆)立于桅座上 □ in step (often foll. by 常后跟 with) 1 stepping in time with music or other marchers (与音乐或其他步行者)步调一致 2 conforming with others 一致;协调 □ in a person's steps following a person's example 效法某人;步某人的后尘 □ keep step remain in step 步调一致 □ mind (or watch) one's step be careful 小心 □ out of step (often foll. by 常后跟 with) not in step 步调不一致 □ step by step gradually; cautiously; by stages or degrees 逐步地;谨慎地;逐渐地 □ step down 1 resign from a position etc. 辞职;让位;下台 2 Electr. decrease (voltage) by using a transformer 【电】(用变压器)降低(电压) □ step in 1 enter a room, house, etc. 进入,走入(房间或房屋等) 2a intervene to help or hinder 插手帮助(或干预) b act as a substitute for an indisposed colleague etc. 代替(同事等) □ step it dance 跳舞 □ step on it (or on the gas) colloq. [口] 1 accelerate a motor vehicle 踩油门,加速 2 hurry up 赶快 □ step out 1 leave a room, house, etc. 走出屋外 2a be active socially 忙于社交活动 b (often foll. by 常后跟 with) N. Amer. dial. & colloq. [北美方口] = DATE1 v. 6b 3 take large steps 大步走 □ step out of line behave inappropriately or disobediently 行为失当;行为反叛 □ step this way a deferential formula meaning ‘follow me’ “请跟我来”(礼貌用语) □ step up 1a increase, intensify 增加;加强 must step up production 必须增加生产 b Electr. increase (voltage) using a transformer 【电】(用变压器)增强(电压) 2 come forward for some purpose (为某个目的而)走近 □ turn one's steps go in a specified direction 转向 □ steplike adj.□ stepped adj.□ stepwise adv. & adj.[Old English stœpe, stepe (n.), stœppan, steppan (v.), from Germanic] |