

单词 jump
释义 jump/dʒʌmp/ v. & n.v. 1 intr. move off the ground or other surface (usu. upward, at least initially) by sudden muscular effort in the legs (至少通常在开始时向上)跳,跃;跳跃 2 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 up, from, in, out, etc.) move suddenly or hastily in a specified way 猛地移动;奔忙 we jumped into the car 我们跳上一辆汽车 3 intr. give a sudden bodily movement from shock or excitement etc. (受惊或兴奋等后)猛地一跳,突然一跳 4 intr. undergo a rapid change, esp. an advance in status 突然改变,飞跃(尤指晋升) 5 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 about) change or move rapidly from one idea or subject to another 突然转换;话锋突转 6a intr. rise or increase suddenly 突升;暴涨 prices jumped 物价上涨 b tr. cause to do this 使(价格)上涨 7 tr.a pass over (an obstacle, barrier, etc.) by jumping 跳过,跃过(障碍、屏障等) b move or pass over (an intervening thing) to a point beyond 跳过,跃过(中间物) 8 tr. skip or pass over (a passage in a book etc.) 略去,跳过(书等中的一段) 9 tr. cause (a thing, or an animal, esp. a horse) to jump 使(物件或动物,尤指马)跳跃 10 intr. (foll. by 后跟 to, at) reach a conclusion hastily 仓促作出判断 11 tr. (of a train) leave (the rails) owing to a fault or error (火车)() 12 tr. ignore and pass (a red traffic light etc.) (红灯等) 13 tr. get on or off (a train etc.) quickly, esp. illegally or dangerously (尤指非法或危险性地)跳上(或跳下)火车 14 tr. pounce on or attack (a person) unexpectedly 突然袭击;猛扑(某人) 15 tr. take summary possession of (a piece of land) after alleged abandonment or forfeiture by the former occupant 霸占(他人的土地) n. 1 the act or an instance of jumping 跳,跃 2a a sudden bodily movement caused by shock or excitement 突然的一跳;惊跳 b ( the jumps) colloq. extreme nervousness or anxiety []心惊胆战;惊悸不安 3 an abrupt rise in amount, price, value, status, etc. (数量、价格、价值、地位等)急升;猛涨;激增 4 an obstacle to be jumped, esp. by a horse 需跳跃的障碍(尤指需要马跳过的障碍) 5a a sudden transition 突变;突然转换 b a gap in a series, logical sequence, etc. (在系列、逻辑顺序等方面)略去部分,跳过部分 get (or have) the jump on colloq. get (or have) an advantage over (a person) by prompt action []抢先行动占据优势;捷足先登 jump at accept eagerly 急切地接受,欣然应承 jump bail see BAIL1 jump down a person's throat colloq. reprimand or contradict a person fiercely []怒斥,斥责 jump the gun see GUN jump on colloq. attack or criticize severely and without warning []严厉地批评(或质问) jump out of one's skin colloq. be extremely startled []大吃一惊,非常吃惊 jump the queue 1 push forward out of one's turn 未等轮到而抢先,加塞儿 2 take unfair precedence over others 不按次序而提前获得 jump ship (of a sailor) desert (船员)擅自离船弃职 jump to it Brit. colloq. act promptly and energetically [英口]赶快干起来 one jump ahead one stage further on than a rival etc. 保持领先于(对手等的)地位 on the jump colloq. on the move; in a hurry []东奔西跑;迅猛地,急忙地 jumpable adj.[16th c.: probably imitative of the sound of feet coming to the ground]




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