释义 |
steal/sti:l/ v. & n.●v. (past stole /stəʊl/; past part. stolen /ˈstəʊlən/) 1 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾])a take (another person's property) illegally 偷窃,偷盗(他人财物) b take (property etc.) without right or permission, esp. in secret with the intention of not returning it (尤指不打算归还的暗中)擅自占有;侵占 2 tr. obtain surreptitiously or by surprise (秘密或出其不意地)偷取 stole a kiss 偷吻 3 tr.a gain insidiously or artfully 用不正当手段取得;巧妙地占有 b (often foll. by 常后跟 away) win or get possession of (a person's affections etc.), esp. insidiously (尤指阴险地)骗取(他人的感情等) stole her heart away 骗得她的欢心 4 intr. (foll. by 后跟 in, out, away, up, etc.)a move, esp. silently or stealthily (尤指悄悄地或偷偷地)移动 stole out of the room 悄悄溜出房间 b (of a sound etc.) become gradually perceptible (声音等)逐渐变得清晰 5 tr.a (in various sports) gain (a run, the ball, etc.) surreptitiously or by luck (在体育比赛中)意外地赢得(跑垒等) b Baseball run to (a base) while the pitcher is in the act of delivery 【垒球】偷(垒) ●n. 1 US colloq. the act or an instance of stealing or theft [美口]偷盗;行窃 2 colloq. an unexpectedly easy task or good bargain [口]轻而易举的事情;意想不到的便宜买卖 □ steal a march on get an advantage over by surreptitious means; anticipate 偷抢在某人之前;占先 □ steal the show outshine other performers, esp. unexpectedly (尤指出其不意地)抢出风头 □ steal a person's thunder 1 use another person's idea, policy, etc., and spoil the effect the originator hoped to achieve by expressing it or acting upon it first 抢先利用;剽窃别人的主意(或方法等) 2 take the limelight or attention from another person 抢出风头 □ stealer n. (also in comb. 亦用于复合词中)[Old English stelan, from Germanic] |