释义 |
world GROUP/AREAHwV:ld, $wV:rldn [C usually sing]a group of things such as countries or animals, or an area of human activity or understanding领域, 界, 世界the Muslim World穆斯林世界the industrialised world工业化世界the modern world现代世界the animal world动物界the world of dogs狗的世界Many stars from the rock music world will be at the awards ceremony.许多来自摇滚音乐界的明星将出席颁奖典礼。Bizarre and unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles.在亚原子粒子世界中可能会发生异乎寻常,出乎意料的事情。(Br infml) When a person goes up/comes down in the world (Am and Aus moves up/down in the world) they have more/less money or a better/worse social position.发迹, 飞黄腾达/落魄, 倒运Roger and Ann have gone up in the world--these days they only ever travel first-class.罗杰与安已经发迹了----这些天他们总是只乘头等舱旅行。