释义 |
ar.range (obj) PLANE5reInJvto plan or make preparations (for); to organize安排I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week. [T]我正设法把工作作个安排,以便下个星期可以请假一两天。The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday. [T]会议安排在星期三。They arranged to have dinner the following month. [+ to infinitive]他们已安排好在下个月共进晚餐。I've already arranged with him to meet at the cinema. [+ to infinitive]我已跟他约定在电影院碰头。She's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons. [+ to infinitive]她已安排让她儿子去上游泳课。I'd deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time. [+ that clause]我特意安排让他们在同一时间到达。We haven't yet arranged when to meet. [+ wh-word]我们还没约定什么时候见面。An arranged marriage is one in which the parents chose whom their son or daughter will marry.包办婚姻