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whi.stle5hwIs76n [C]From the bottom of the garden I recognised my father's tuneless whistle. It sounded like the whistle of an old fashioned steam train.我听出了父亲从花园深处发出的不入调的哨声,就像一辆老式的蒸气火车在鸣笛。She heard the whistle of the wind through the trees and shivered.她听到风吹过树林的呼啸声不禁颤了一下。A whistle is also a device for making a loud high sound which you hold to your lips and blow through.哨子,口笛The referee blew his whistle for half-time.裁判鸣哨,宣布上半场结束。The teacher blows her whistle at the end of play-time.游戏时间结束时,老师吹响了哨子声。A whistle-blower is a person who tells someone in authority about something illegal that is happening, esp. in a government department.告发者A whistlestop tour is a series of brief visits to different places made usually by a politician.(政治家)铁路沿线小镇访问