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strike obj AGREEstraIkv [T]past struck strVkto reach or make (an agreement)定约Do you think the government should try to strike a deal with the terrorists?你认为政府应该同恐怖分子达成协议吗?He struck a bargain with his mother which meant that she would pay for his training on the condition that he passed all his exams.他和母亲说定如果他通过了各门考试就由她支付培训费。If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side.找到折中办法How can we strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection?我们怎样才能保持经济发展和环境保护的平衡?It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.问题在于保持产品质量和生产率的正确平衡。We need to strike a fair balance between the rights of the individual and the safety of the public.我们需要在维护个人权利和保证公共安全之间找到平衡点。If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of or agree with it.引起赞扬或同意The party's policy on childcare facilities has struck a responsive chord with women voters.政党关于幼儿保育设施的政策获得了女性选民的支持。Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders who are frustrated by over-regulation.她的演讲触动了对过多的规定感到灰心的商业领导人。