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an.swer REACTIONH5B:nt7sE5, $5Ant7sLn [C]a reaction to a question, letter, telephone call, etc.回答,答复,回信,回音The Minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.对于议员详细的提问,部长答应给予书面的答复。We've written to him asking him if he's free on that date but we haven't had an answer yet.我们写信问他那天是否有空,但还没有得到回音。I've just rung him but there was no answer.我刚给他打过电话,但没人接。I didn't realise we had to write each answer on a new sheet of paper.我不知道我们应该把每项回答另起一页写。I got eight correct answers and two wrong ones in last week's exam.在上个星期的考试中,我答对了8道题,答错了2道。In answer to your letter of May 30th, I am writing to accept your offer to publish my next novel.兹复贵方5月30日来函,今特告知我已同意由贵社出版我的下一部小说。(fig. ) Channel 4 is independent television's answer to (= is approximately the same as) BBC2.独立电视台的4频道节目大致与英国广播公司二台的节目相同。"The Answer to the Great Question of …. Life, the Universe and Everything…. Is…Forty-two" (Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1979)“对于有关生命、宇宙和一切事物的深奥问题的答案是42。”(道格拉斯·亚当斯所著《希区·海克尔的银河系指南》)"But answer came there none" (Sir Walter Scott in the poem The Bridal of Triermain, 1813)“然而杳无音信”(瓦尔特·司各特爵士《特里尔曼的婚礼》诗句)"Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone?" (from a cartoon by James Thurber, 1937)“如果说我拨错了号码,你干吗要去接呢?”(詹姆斯·瑟伯一幅漫画上的文字)