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A.mer.i.canE5mer7I7kEnn, adj(a person) of or from the continents of South or North America, esp. the US美洲人;美洲的;(尤指)美国人;美国的He said he was proud to be an American. [C]他说作为一个美国人他感到自豪。They drive a big American car.他们驾驶一辆很大的美国车。If something is as American as apple pie, it is considered to be typical of America or Americans.(像苹果馅饼一样)富有美国特色Leather jackets are as American as apple pie and Harley-Davidsons.皮茄克就同苹果馅饼和哈莱-戴维森这种姓名一样具有典型的美国特色。The American dream is the belief that everyone in the US has the chance to be successful, rich and happy if they work hard.美国梦(在美国发迹致富,获得成功、幸福的梦想)(Br and Aus) American football (Am football) is a game for two teams of eleven players in which an oval ball is moved along the field by running with it or throwing it. Points are scored by moving the ball across the line at the end of the field or by kicking it between two posts.美式足球,即美式橄榄球An American Indian is a Native American.美洲印第安人(即美洲土著) [NATIVE]