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wa.ter.shed BIG CHANGEH5wC:7tE7Fed, $5wB:7tL-n [U]an event or period which is important because it represents a big change and the start of new developments转折点,重要关头His biographical essay on Mozart marked a watershed in the development of biographical studies.他关于莫扎特的传记文章标志着传记研究发展中的一个转折点。1969 was a watershed in her life--she changed her career and changed her partner.1969年是她生命中的一个转折点----她换了职业,也换了丈夫。John Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1960 was a watershed.约翰·肯尼迪参与1960年的总统竞选是一个转折点。'Cabaret'was a watershed musical which seems to have influenced the shape and structure of musicals ever since.“卡巴莱歌舞表演”是一种重要的音乐喜剧,它似乎对此后音乐喜剧的形式和结构产生了影响。