释义 |
wa.ter.col.our Br and AusAm and Aus wa.ter.col.or H5wC:7tE.kQl7E5, $5wB:7tL.kQl7Lna paint which is mixed with water and used to create pictures, or a picture which has been done with this type of paint水彩(颜料),水彩画Graham paints with both watercolours and oils. [C]格雷厄姆既画水彩画也画油画。Generally, I prefer oils to watercolours. [C]通常来说,与水彩画相比我更喜欢油画。Her best work is when she uses the simple medium of watercolour on paper. [U]她在纸上使用水彩这一简单手段时最得心应手。He's done some lovely watercolour sketches.他已画了一些可爱的水彩草图。