释义 |
al.low obj PERMITE5laJv [T]to let (someone) do something or let (something) happen; permit允许,许可We must not allow these temporary problems to affect our long-term plans. [+ obj + to infinitive]我们决不能让这些暂时的问题影响我们的长期计划。Do you think Dad will allow you to go to Pat's party? [+ obj + to infinitive]你认为爸爸会让你去参加帕特的聚会吗?He wouldn't allow them to leave until they'd paid the fine. [+ obj + to infinitive]直到他们交了罚款,他才允许他们离开。You're not allowed to talk during the exam. [+ obj + to infinitive]考试中不允许讲话。She won't allow her novel to be made into a film. [+ obj + to infinitive]她不允许将她的小说拍成电影。Her proposals would allow (=make it possible for) more people to stay in full-time education. [+ obj + to infinitive]她的建议使得更多人能够接受全日制教育。Why has the project been allowed to continue if it's such a disaster? [+ obj + to infinitive]如果这个项目如此糟糕,为什么还被允许继续下去呢?The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution. [+ obj + to infinitive]这个漏洞使得数百名喝醉的司机免受起诉。You won't be allowed to enter the country without a visa. [+ obj + to infinitive]没有签证,你不会被允许进入这个国家。The government has refused to allow foreign journalists into the area for several weeks. [+ obj + to infinitive]政府拒绝让外国新闻记者进入该地区已经几个星期了。Prisoners have been moved to allow the demolition of part of the prison.犯人们已被转移,以便能拆除监狱的一部分。Pets aren't allowed in this hotel (=You must not bring any animals with you when you stay here).宠物不许带入本旅馆。Please allow me through (=let me come / go through).请让我过一下。Smoking is not allowed in this restaurant. [+ v-ing]本饭店内不许吸烟。The manager does not allow smoking. [+ v-ing]经理不允许吸烟。He didn't allow us enough time to finish the test. [+ two objects]他没有给我们足够的时间来完成测试。Red Cross officials were allowed access to the prison for the first time a few days ago. [+ two objects]红十字会的官员于几天前首次被许可进入监狱。At the weekend I allow myself (=I permit myself the special pleasure of having) a box of chocolates. [+ two objects]周末我允许自己吃了一盒巧克力。How much time do you allow yourself (=make available to yourself) to get ready in the morning? [+ two objects]早晨你给自己多少时间来作准备?You are allowed one book each (=That is all you are permitted to have). [+ two objects]你们每人允许拿一本书。(Br and Aus) The referee decided to allow (=officially accept) the goal.裁判判定该进球有效。Allow me is a polite expression used when offering to do something.提出帮助时的礼貌表达方式Those bags are too heavy to carry by yourself--please, allow me (to help you).你自己拿这些包太重了----请让我来(帮助你).(fml) If a rule or situation allows of something, it permits it.允许This rule allows of no exceptions.这一规则不允许例外。The evidence allows of only one interpretation--he was murdered by his wife.该证据只有一种解释----他被他的妻子谋杀了。 Two objects