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ag.o.ny5Ag7E7nin(a state or feeling of) extreme physical or mental pain or suffering极大的痛苦The people who had been injured in the bomb explosion lay screaming in agony.[U]在炸弹爆炸中受伤的人们躺在那里,痛苦地尖叫着。By not making a decision about what to do, we're just prolonging the agony. [U]不决定下来做些什么,我们恰恰是在延长痛苦。I was in an agony of doubt / indecision / suspense. [C]我处在疑惑/犹豫/挂念的极大痛苦之中。We've both suffered agonies of guilt at what has happened. [C]我们俩都为所发生之事感到深切的内疚。An (Br) agony aunt (Am advice columnist) is a person, usually a woman, who publicly gives advice to people with personal problems, esp. in a regular magazine or newspaper article. A man who does this is sometimes called an agony uncle.(在杂志或报纸上定期为读者提出建议,解决个人问题的)答读者问专栏作家An (Br) agony column (Am advice column) is the part of a magazine or newspaper where letters from readers about their personal problems are printed, together with advice about how to deal with them.答读者问专栏"The Agony and the Ecstasy" (title of a novel by Irving Stone, 1961)《痛苦与狂喜》 (欧文·斯通的一本小说名) Feelings and pains