释义 |
ag.nos.ticHAg5nBs7tIk, $-5nB:7stIkn, adj(someone) not knowing, or believing that it is impossible to know, whether a god exists不可知论者; 不可知论的Although he was born a Catholic, he was an agnostic for most of his adult life. [C]虽然他生来是一个天主教徒,但他在大部分成年生活中都是一个不可知论者。Her agnostic parents completely failed to understand the depth of her religious beliefs.她的相信不可知论的父母完全无法理解她对宗教信仰的深度。Agnostic can also mean not knowing whether something is true or right.不知真实与否的; 不知正确与否的I'm agnostic about whether there really is a hell.我不知是否真的有地狱。She said that she was agnostic about / on the government's education policy.她说她不知道政府的教育政策是否正确。☆ ATHEIST