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voice OPINIONvCIsn(the right to) an expression of opinion表露,表达;(表达出的)意见,愿望Unfortunately a strike was the only way of making our voices heard. [C]不幸的是,罢工是使我们的声音被听到的唯一方法。There was only one dissenting voice. [C]只有一个反对意见。The committee represents the voice of the students. [C]这个委员会代表学生的意愿。"We are strong at the local level, but lack a strong voice (= way of expressing our opinions) at the national level, " said one member. [U]“我们在地方一级力量强大,但是在国家的层次上缺乏强有力的发言渠道。”一位成员说道。Developing countries are demanding a stronger voice (= right to express opinions) in the debate. [U]发展中国家要求在辩论中拥有更大的发言权。The community group was launched last August to give local people a voice. [U]这一社区组织于去年8月创办,目的是给当地民众一个发表意见的机会。Her documentaries give voice to (= express) multiple points of view probably because she herself has seen life from many different angles. [U]或许因为她本人就是从许多不同角度审视生活的,所以她拍的记录片表述了多种观点。A voice within you is your CONSCIENCE (= the part of you which tells you when you are doing something immoral).良知;理智A voice within him said he shouldn't be driving so fast. [C]理智告诉他不应该开车这么快。Suddenly this voice within her told her to stop being so stupid. [C]突然她的良知告诉她不能再这么愚昧无知了。"The voice of the people is the voice of God" (from a letter to the Emperor Charlemagne from Alcuin, 735-804)“人民的声音即是上帝的声音。”(引自阿尔昆写给查理曼大帝的一封信)