释义 |
vir.ginH5vV:7JIn, $5vV:r-adj [not gradable]处女般的;童贞的a virgin bride贞洁的新娘Virgin can be used of forests and areas of land which have not yet been cultivated or used by people.未开发的The railway is being extended into areas of virgin forest.铁路正向原始森林地带延伸。Antarctica is virgin territory, waiting to be exploited.南极洲是一块处女地,等待着开发。(fig.) The television company is moving into virgin territory (= a new area of activity) by producing programmes of this type.(喻)这家电视公司通过制作这种类型的节目,在向一块处女地迈进。(literary) Virgin can also be used to mean pure and not spoilt, esp. when referring to something white.纯洁的,未玷污的a virgin sheet of paper (= one with nothing written on it)一张洁白的纸the virgin (= pure white) snow洁白的雪She was dressed in virgin-white.她穿得一身洁白。Virgin is also used to refer to oil, esp. olive oil, which is obtained directly from pressing the fruit, rather than by using heat.(油等)直接提取的;初榨的,直馏的extra virgin olive oil特纯橄榄油