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a.gainst IN OPPOSITIONE5geinstprepin opposition to与…相对,反对,违反She spoke against the decision to close the college.她发言反对关闭这所学院的决定。Fifty people voted against the new proposal. 50人投票反对这一新提案。I'm very much against the idea that it is the woman's job to bring up the child.我非常反对‘抚养孩子是女人的工作’这一想法。The Lions are playing against Italy in the football cup finals tonight.在今晚的足球杯决赛中,雄狮队与意大利队对抗。She's always rebelled against authority.她总是反抗权威。She sold the house even though it was against his wishes.她卖掉了房子,纵然这违背他的意愿。It's not that I'm prejudiced against older people, but I do think younger people should get better opportunities at work.我并不是对年龄大一些的人有偏见,但我的确认为年轻人应该得到更好的工作机会。Miss Perrett argued that this policy discriminated against women.佩雷特小姐争辩说这一政策歧视妇女。They called a demonstration to protest against proposed job cuts.他们召集了一次示威游行,抗议拟议中的减员计划。Sanctions against the country should be lifted.应撤消对这个国家的制裁。Stricter controls will help in the fight against inflation.更严格的控制将有助于反通货膨胀的斗争。Criminal charges will be brought against the driver.这个司机将被指控犯有刑事罪。They decided not to take legal action against him.他们决定不对他提出诉讼。They were up against a powerful pressure group.他们面临着一个强大的压力集团。We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.我们在扩建楼房的过程中碰到了许多问题。The chances / odds against you winning such a competition are enormous.不利于你赢得这样一场比赛的可能性是极大的。It's against the law (=illegal ) to leave children under a certain age alone in the house.将低于特定年龄的孩子单独留在房内是违法的。It's against my beliefs / principles to be nice to someone I dislike just because they're in a senior position.只因为别人的地位高而对我所不喜欢的人好是违背我的信条/原则的。Against all probability (=although it was extremely unlikely) we found ourselves in the same hotel as some people we used to know.绝不可能的事居然发生了: 我们发现自己与过去认识的一些人住在同一家旅馆里。I wouldn't dare say anything against him (=criticize him) to his mother!我不敢在他母亲面前对他作任何批评!To go against something means to go in the opposite direction to it.与…反方向The last part of the course was hard because I was running against the wind.最后一部分路程很艰难,因为我是在逆风跑。Commuting is not so bad when you are travelling against the traffic.如果是与主要车流反方向前进的话,两地通勤也不错。It was not an easy fight as they were going against the tide of public opinion.那不是一场轻松的斗争,因为他们在与舆论的潮流背道而驰。If you have something against someone you dislike them for some reason.由于某原因而不喜欢某人I've nothing against him--he's always been very pleasant to me--I just don't have much in common with him.我没有什么不喜欢他的----他对我总是很好,只是我与他没有很多共同之处。If something is against your better judgment you think it would be wiser not to do it.明知不可取的Persuaded by the others, but rather against his better judgment, he gave John the job.在别人的说服之下,明知不可取,他还是把这工作给了约翰。If you come / find yourself up against a brick wall you are unable to get any further with a plan, argument etc. because something is stopping you.碰壁,无法进行下去In its campaign to prevent the building, the department found itself up against a brick wall.在阻止该建筑的运动中,这个部门发现自己碰壁了。(infml) If you are up against it you are having or are likely to have serious problems or difficulties.面临或可能面临严重的问题或困难With seven members of their own team missing, Hull are going to be up against it.由于他们自己队中的7名队员失踪,赫尔将会面临严重的问题。Many families are up against it, unable to afford even basic items.许多家庭面临着极大的困难,甚至无法支付基本的开支。If something counts / goes / works against you it causes disadvantage to you.对…造成不利Lack of experience will generally count against you in an interview.缺乏经验通常会在你的面试中造成不利。If you do something against time / the clock you do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.尽快地进行,以便在特定时间之前完成We've been working against the clock to get the house decorated before the baby is born.我们尽快地装修房子,以便在婴儿的出生之前完成。It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.为演出缝制好全部戏装,这可的确是与时间的一场赛跑。 Opposites