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vic.toryH5vIk7t[r7i, $-tL-n(an example of) success in a game, competition, election, war, etc.胜利,战胜,获胜;成功a three-stroke victory (in golf)(高尔夫球的)三击获胜a five-wicket victory (in cricket)(板球的)五名击球手出局获胜a straight-sets victory (in tennis) [C](网球中的)大满贯胜利The Redskins opened the season with a resounding/stunning/impressive 25-3 victory over Detroit. [C]赛季一开始红肤人队以25比3的惊人比分大胜底特律队。King is expected to achieve/gain a comfortable/easy victory against Cooper in tomorrow's match. [C]金有望在明天的比赛中轻松/轻易地战胜库柏。The England team clinched a clear-cut/convincing/decisive victory over Sri Lanka yesterday. [C]昨天英格兰队大比分/让人心服口服/决定性地战胜了斯里兰卡队。Bobby Fischer won a historic victory in the 1972 world chess championship. [C]1972年世界象棋锦标赛鲍比·费歇尔赢得了历史性的胜利。The socialists won a landslide victory in the election. [C]社会党人在选举中赢得了压倒多数的胜利。This result is a victory for democracy. [C]这一结果是民主的胜利。There is no doubt that the court's decision is a victory for common sense (= is very reasonable). [C]毫无疑问,这一法庭判决是非常合情合理的。No one wants to see the terrorists score a propaganda victory. [C]谁也不想看到恐怖主义者取得宣传胜利。When the votes were counted, the result was so close that neither candidate could claim victory. [U]选票统计后,结果非常接近,两个候选人中哪一个也不能宣告获胜。Napoleon led his troops to victory in the Battle of Austerlitz. [U]拿破仑率领他的部队在奥斯特里茨战役中获胜。They did not expect to secure victory so easily. [U]他们原本没有指望那么容易获得胜利。Plans have been made for an enormous victory parade in Washington when the troops start returning home.已经制定了计划在部队开始班师回乡时在华盛顿举行盛大庆功游行。" Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival"(Sir Winston Churchill in a speech, 1940)“不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利,不论路途多么漫长、多么艰苦,也要去夺取胜利;因为没有胜利,就没有生存。”(温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士演说词) [PYRRHIC VICTORY.]