释义 |
ven.ture (obj) RISKH5ven7tFE5, $-tLv fmlto risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized冒险;冒险行动Those people who ventured to the lakes on the weekend were rewarded with three days of glorious weather. [I always + adv/prep]周末冒险去游湖的那些人幸运地遇上了三天好天气。She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop. [I always + adv/prep]她很难得冒险外出,除非要去街角商店置办食品杂货。As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing forth into the unknown. [I always + adv/prep]我们动身进入那片森林时,仿佛感觉到冒险进入了一个未知的世界。"He has much more talent than anyone else we've interviewed so far, "I ventured (= said riskily). [+ clause]“他比我们面试过的任何人都更有才干,”我冒昧地说了一句。She tentatively ventured (= said riskily) the opinion that the project would be too expensive to complete. [T]她试探着大胆地发表意见说,完成那个项目将耗费太多资本。If you venture a thing that is valuable on something, you take the risk of losing it in order to achieve the second thing.用…进行投机;拿…作赌注He ventured the company's reputation on his new invention. [T]他拿公司的名誉来作为他新发明的赌注。(Br) A Venture Scout (Am Explorer Scout, Aus Venturer) is a young person aged 15 to 20 years old who is a member of the international youth organization called the Scouts.大龄童子军队员(saying) 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained'means that you will never achieve anything if you never take a risk or make an effort.<谚>不入虎穴,焉得虎子"There's no point even applying for the job because I'm not going to get it." "I think you really ought to try --after all, nothing ventured, nothing gained."“我没有必要申请那份工作,因为我不可能得到的。”“我觉得你真的应该试一试----再说,不入虎穴,焉得虎子。”