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up.take5Qp7teIkn [U]specialized the rate or act of taking something in摄入,摄取Plants in their growth stage generally exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.植物在生长期间总是增加摄取养料。(Br and Aus) Uptake can also be the rate or act of accepting something.接受,取得Uptake of places on the training course has been disappointing.参加培训课程的人数令人失望。(infml) If someone is quick/slow on the uptake they understand things easily/with difficulty.理解力强(迟钝)She's very quick on the uptake, so you won't have to explain much.她理解力很强, 所以你不必多解释。He's a bit slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.他理解迟钝, 所以你的指导可能要多重复几次。